Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Credit River Baptism

This is such a cool spot.
I remember playing here as a kid.
I remember skipping class
and hiding out here.
I remember catching
speckled trout here
I remember great bush parties here
I remember romantic walks here
But most of all I remember our baptism here.

My wife and I both got baptised here by our buddy Pete.
The cool thing is we were not the first,
and most definately not the last to be baptised here.
We've had the great pleasure of seeing
many of our freinds baptised here also.

I know, you are looking at the picture and wondering how one could be baptised in just a foot of water. Actually there is a deep spot that is about 2 feet, and I can assure you thats more than enough water to be baptised in.

Its such a classic moment just as you enter the water and come up free.
The water flies through the air and the cheering begins.
The angels rejoice in heaven,
and everyone remembers when they too entered the waters.
Some watch in expectation.
Still others dont understand what the attraction is too a place such as this.

A place where our children play
A place that still gives up the odd speckled trout
A place that still sees its share of romantic walks,
school skips and bush parties.
But best of all, a place where people go to get baptised.
I love this place!


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