Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, July 31, 2009

Proud of My Nephew Ben

I am so proud of my nephew Ben. I have been wanting to post about what Ben means to me for quite some time, but words always escaped me. They escape me still, yet I am bursting to say.

Ben adopted my brother as dad, though I guess legally it was the other way around. Well, actually Ben was the bonus to the girl John fell in love with. John and Julie married and Ben became a Wright. Bens biological father is Ojibway. To us all, none of that matters because he is a love bond.

I had been reading about the Red road, whereby we become one, regardless of where we came from. The adopting spirit, allows for the overall strengthening of our families. We take on the best of each other as we forge ahead in love and grace.


So while there are a ton of reasons why I am proud of my nephew Ben, this was one thing I had a yearning to say. Ben has enriched my family tree with the blood of a people I admire. He he brings to me, honour and unity.

1 comment:

  1. We are all Brothers in Spirit. We are all one. The winged ones, the two leggeds, the four leggeds, the water creatures... All of us. One.

    We have one Father. One Mother Earth. There is no "my people" or "your people" there is only God's people.

    Even those who live in the dark are the balance to those who live in the light. Both are equal sides to one coin.




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