Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Relative Obscurity

I've noticed that the way to get hits off the net, is to use "tags". I've noticed also that search engines find the tags quicker and easier. I had thought about using tags for my own blogspot as a better way to organize my posts, yet I am fearful of giving myself greater exposure to the "net".
For the longest time, I did not allow my site to be found on searches as one of the settings. As I became more bold, I decided to make my site viewable and findable on the net. I have really low viewing numbers. I see perhaps 30 visitors a day. I also know that I have only really 10 or so people who follow in any way. These numbers are way up! Heck, a couple of years ago I was down to but two readers.
I decided that I dont really care how many people actually view my site. In fact, I take great pride in my relative obscurity. This is why I have decided not to implement tags in my blog.
I say a lot of personal things here. This is my diary as it were. I dont really want to go blab it to the world, although, I enjoy the thought of sharing. I dont really want to be easy to be found. I take quiet joy in the fact that people only find me by fluke, divine intervention, a link from somewhere, or have traced back to my blog by my "popcorn".
This whole blog thing has really been a cool way to not only keep track of my ideas, but also to see how I have changed. Its seen me through many phases and many friends around the world. Its allowed me the opportunity to remind myself the wonderment of it all. The heights and the depths. I've said things that maybe I shouldnt, and I have failed to say things that I should have. Yet I have also found magnificent life changing things. I have learned that every day can be A Brand New Day! I claim that and I will live that! You can too!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! You always make me think..and add a touch of spirituality to my day.


Go ahead....Make my day!