Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Its Like Berry Picking

I was just sitting here marvelling at the wonders of todays technology. I worked in the city for years. I put countless miles on my cars and myself. I spent literally hours a day in traffic. The whole thing became unbearable for this country boy. After doing this for years and years it was time for a radical change.

We wanted to return to the land. We wanted to define a tighter spending circle. We wanted to become more integrated with community and less globally. We wanted to eat food and buy goods as close to home as possible. We stood prepared to leave everything behind to accomplish this. We sold our house and we moved.

I made a last minute arrangement with my boss for a straight commission pay schedule. If I dont sell I dont eat. If the farmer doesnt tend his crop, he doesnt eat. If the hunter fails to capture prey, he doesnt eat. This job is like picking berries! This is the virtual reality of returning to the land. The way I have returned is by eliminating my fuel consumption and wasted time, coupled with now relying on all the tools I have, to feed my family. I use the land and the water to provide much food, and I spend with more of an environmental conscience.

I spend 9 hours a day in front of my computer and my telephone. North America is my berry patch. I get to keep a certain percentage of all the berries I pick. If i dont pick a berry, I dont eat, and if I pick more berries than I need, then I am in a position to share. I lift my heart in gratitude to the creator for every berry I find.

Things are much simpler now. I have less stress. I feel good about myself and my decision. I am faithful that just as the sparrow is provided for, ...so am I. All I have to do is keep picking those berries with resolve and gratitude, while sharing the blessings and bounties with my community......and there you have it. My recipe for success.

Peace be your journey

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