Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Its a Cats Life

Here is one of the reasons I own cats. They are like good medicine. They make me feel virtues like love, and joy, and peace. The big cat Carroll has been having a hard time adjusting to indoor living. He paces around and around. He meows in a most unsettled way. Then, after an hour of this, he resorts to companionship, or a pillow. Studies have proven the effectiveness of animal companions. Also, nothing like a little loving to make someone feel wanted, or valuable. Little kitty Geddy sees Carrolls stress too and he tries hard to be kind to Carroll..hahha and being a kitten, he tries hard to piss Carroll off!

1 comment:

  1. Don!

    IT AIN'T NATIVE ART. It's beyond that.

    If you do it right: IT'S SPIRIT ART.

    That's why your art and the other students of Norval's doesn't truly fit in. People haven 't figured it out yet...

    All the Indians painting "First Nations Art" are on the wrong path. And there are so many of them nowadays which is why the movement has largely become a bore in Canada.

    Ahh... But when the real thing comes along. When someone practices SPIRIT ART? Then it draws attention.

    We all have different skill levels when it comes to painting... Different forms... Different colour schemes we play with... However, the common secret ingredient (which cannot be faked no matter how much Indian blood you got in your veins)is authentic SPIRIT. It's the process that rock star describes in his interview! When you practice authenticity in your spiritual approach: it turns people on. So I am not surprised they want your art in their books. We can all argue about this art is better than that or this line work is better than that line work... But you infuse an artwork with Spirit?

    All bets are off. Authenticity wins. Seems that is the constant and overriding theme in Thunderbird Art.

    I wouldn't want to be a Woodland Artist. I would want to be a Thunderbird Artist.

    That guy from Supertramp? He's a Thunderbird artist.

    So people who fake or forge art (whatever term one cares to use) will ultimately fail because you cannot fake authentic Spirit.

    And there's a trail of public embarrassment for all the preachers caught with hookers since the written record began to underline that point.


Go ahead....Make my day!