Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, June 17, 2011

Snapper in the Garden - The continuing story of......

I went for a stroll with my morning coffee out to see the garden.

I found we had a visitor and she was laying her eggs in the soil.

She tried a few test digs before settling in to her spot.

She buried herself in the garden mulch to avoid the morning sun.

When she was finished, she headed back to the river

And slipped into the water, never to be seen....until tomorrow.

Mr. Bullfrog watched...hahhaa..I feel like an Audubon reporter...

Sue and I discussed how we would handle the situation. We decided the best course of action was no action at all. We let her do her thing and we enjoyed the stimulation. Perhaps in a while, we will have little baby snapping turtles emerge from the garden. Realistically, she has done no harm and she is a beautiful creature. We are proud that she chose our garden. We shall eat a mess of greens in her honor!


  1. Really enjoying the turtle sagas.

    I (re)found Patti Rainbow's turtle you gave me the other day. Its now laying eggs on my altar!

    Speaking of "snapping", your pictures are extraordinary. Keep em coming...

  2. I love the stories too! As for 25K hits, not surprised, I check in daily (but don't feel pressured to post daily so this doesn't become a chore). You're little piece of heaven is an amazing source of wonder and joy and your observations reflect that.

    I was driving down the road the other day and saw a snapping turtle on the side of the road. What was interesting about this is that we wasn't belly-to-the ground like most turtles I've seen. He was doing his very best impression of a coffee table, standing very tall on all 4 legs! He wasn't going anywhere, just holding a very tall stretch I guess. If I had a cup of coffee and wasn't driving my car, I might have been tempted use the service he was providing.


  3. cook it and eat it haha....


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