Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dalai Lama Love Wisdom

The goal is to cultivate in our hearts the concern a dedicated mother feels for her child, and then focus it on more and more people and living beings. This is a heartfelt, powerful love. Such feelings give us a true understanding of human rights, that is not grounded just in legal terms, but rooted deeply in the heart.


  1. That's humanism....ooo slippery slope daddio!!!
    BrendAARRGGHH ^.^

  2. Godly tenants are Godly tenants regardless of language, culture, or religion because they are truth. God owns all truth and wisdom and the heart of this wisdom is Love, of which God is the author.

    I've already slipped down the slippery slope and there I found more love and more Jesus.....and now I slip slide the slope up and down and around and around sharing what I believe to be the heart of God...the hope of Christ, the rebirth of self, the ultimate reunification with God and recognition of the Holy Spirit within and around.


Go ahead....Make my day!