Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Moose

"The Moose" copyright don wright 2011

The moose is a magnificent creature! It is big and bold, yet it can seem passive and peaceful. The moose is a vegetarian and loves water greens and tender shoots. The moose can be seen every spring at thaw along the side of our northern highways. 

I was talking about Ojibway translations with an elder. I learned that "window" translates to place where light comes in. There was no name for "horse", as horses had never been seen. The ojibway translation for horse is "solid hoof animal". The moose, and the deer are split hooved animals. The first sign of the horse was likely a hoof print..imagine their surprise!

While walking in the bush, one is continually reminded of the moose....they leave their droppings everywhere! I have seen them at the peaks of hills and in swampy valleys. They are numerous and roam the woodlands with majesty.

This is my tribute to the moose and this is a gift for a very nice couple we met.

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