Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, October 14, 2011

You Are Welcome Niijii - Thank you!

I have been trying to teach Niijii a number of words and phrases. Since we share an office, he listens to me talk all day. He sits on his perch and chats and chats and chats. Actually, its almost enough to make you go crazy and sometimes I have to remove him. His chatter has become more and more human. While there are a number of words he does know, somehow many others slip from his beak. As I listen to him its almost like he is teaching me the meaning of life...in tongues.

I am celebrating today because Niijii has repeated a word that I have not purposely tried to teach him. It is a word he has heard, thankfully, here in the house and it fills me with great joy. He said.....THANK YOU..... not once..not twice but now 3 times. I know its not a fluke. Thats so cool!

I have heard him say a few other random words like..product....warranty.....and hahahaha

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