Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who Do You Say I AM?

"Who Do You Say I Am?" copyright don wright 2012

12 Though you search for your enemies,you will not find them. 
Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. 
13 For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand 
and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. 
14 Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel,do not fear, 
for I myself will help you,” 
declares the LORD,your Redeemer,the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 41 12:14

I think Peter got the right answer but I wonder why he was sworn to secrecy?
At any rate, the cat was out of the bag when the earth shook and the curtain of the temple was torn in two! Or was it?
 Now all that is left is redemption or did that happen already? Some say it happens when people accept the messiah and follow Gods rules, yet I see no peace for Israel or my fellow rule followers. Enemies seem to be growing and wars unending. 
I would have to say, this prophesy is yet to be fulfilled. God Himself will help Israel even though they are worms....not my word, though sometime I feel like a worm myself.

Dont You Point That Finger at Me!

Dont point that finger at me!
Its got a nail in it!


"Alive" Copyright POD

"Alive!" don wright copyright 2012

turtle laid eggs in the garden

I bought a sketchbook when I was at Kings Art and I sat down yesterday evening and created 5 drawings. My wife noticed that I was drawing on both sides and told me she would buy the next sketchbook and that I should draw only on one side. I like the drawing on both sides of the sheet because its kinda like a book.

"turtle laid its eggs in the garden" copyright don wright 2012

One day I went to the garden to find a turtle laying her eggs in the soil. The turtle covered herself, rather, she buried herself under the grass clippings to avoid the sun and exposure. She stayed a couple hours and then slipped back into the river, through the bull rushes and lily pads. We watched several turtles lay their eggs. One after another, perfect ping pong balls, dropping into the hole. She buries her eggs and then says goodbye. We found several young ones making their way across our land, and then to their home in the river. These turltes are snapping turtles and if you get too close to momma, she will take your leg off ..haha.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kings Framing and Gallery - Magnificent Discovery!!!

What  a great discovery! I got myself a portfolio case and an assortment of really nice paper. Wonderful, friendly people and so personal and helpful. They have a huge selection AND they will order in anything I want. This is good news to someone who is trying to shop in community and live by the 100 km rule.

Cheers to great discoveries!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Photo Op

Niijii decided to bathe today 
When I tryed to touch him he jumped and fell into the dish soap 
I helped him clean his chili jowels 
verdict? Chili stains..haha

Friday, February 24, 2012

Excuse Me?

Niijii is very social. I was reading that Budgies are very social in general. They love company. They love to interact. Niijii often sits on my computer monitor and talks, sleeps, prunes and chirps. For the most part, I get a kick out of it, while other times it can be quite annoying. Sometimes he wants to sit on my head and if I try to brush him off, he returns with a mission. The harder I try to keep him off, the more he is determined to land. If I am on a phone call I have to just let him land because he is very verbal when he is denied and it creates quite a scene.

Telling the Truth

"Telling the Truth" Copyright don wright 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

These are the days of the Thunderbird

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Isaiah 54

1 “Sing, barren woman, 
   you who never bore a child; 
burst into song, shout for joy, 
   you who were never in labor; 
because more are the children of the desolate woman 
   than of her who has a husband,” 
            says the LORD. 

5 For your Maker is your husband—
   the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
   he is called the God of all the earth.
6 The LORD will call you back
   as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—
a wife who married young,
   only to be rejected,” says your God.
7 “For a brief moment I abandoned you,
   but with deep compassion I will bring you back.
8 In a surge of anger
   I hid my face from you for a moment,
but with everlasting kindness
   I will have compassion on you,”
   says the LORD your Redeemer.

There are so many passages promising redemption. The new testament makes it pretty clear that redemption is in Christ. The New Testament also draws the line as to the "qualifications" for grace. Yet Old Testament prophesy continually promises redemption as God makes Himself known as the Lord your Redeemer. I believe this is a very powerful and truthful prophesy that does not apply only to Jews, but to the Entire House of Israel and I believe that Christ will ultimately be the vehicle. While we as Christians have responsibility to live in Spirit and to follow rules, I believe that ultimately, these old testament prophesies will be fulfilled, providing grace and salvation even to those who do not follow new testament theology.

I remember my pastor saying "scholars and theologians pretty much all agree that salvation does in fact require works" This is an age old debate. While for a time I subscribed to this belief, ultimately I believe that regardless of all of this, the Lord your Redeemer will in fact be Our Lord our Redeemer.

So what do I do with all the evidence? I weigh it and balance it and come to a conclusion. My conclusion is this. The Lord God created heavens and earth and Lord God has a plan which will happen regardless of the number of interpretations we make. I do not beleive for a second that our wrong interpretations cause eternal damnation. I believe God has a plan and is executing the plan. From Alpha to Omega, everything truly is unfolding as it should.

Ice Fishing Social

Pete and I dragged my hut up to Sandy Falls for a weekend of fishing.

We brought wood and supplies for a feast and a party

Sue and Deb came by snowmobile as word of our success spread

Neighbours and friends dropped by

The wood burner is ready and the lines are out!

It was a beautiful weekend

We had a "shore lunch" of Pike and Perch and other delectables.

Its nice to have the fire for radiant heat

We found a retro bench and moved it over for comfort 

We had an excellent weekend with neighbours and friends

Friday, February 17, 2012

Niijii - Friend

"Niijii Friend" Copyright don wright 2012

Niijii loves to sit on my head and talk
Niijii is my friend
HaHa maybe I should have called him Woodstock?

Eyes, Ears and Hearts

"eyes, ears and hearts" copyright don wright 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jimi Oskineegish - Single Mom

"Single Mom" Copyright Jim Oskineegish 2007

Single Mom on display at Art Show in BC

Welcome Home

Breath of the Wolf

Breath of the Wolf - copyright don wright 2012

I have been working on doodles that are comprised mostly of one single line. I have been working on just letting it flow, with no real conceived outcome. I have been trying not to stop and think and I have been following my "errors" as simply a change of course and a change of direction. I have been trying to respond to my "errors" with trust and see them not as my shortcoming, but as a leaning to new direction. I believe that naturally, my lines and expertise will grow and mature as I become more talented with my gifts. I am trying right now to simply be playful and trusting.

I saw a wolf and it was not frightening. It was beautiful. Although the wolf is feared, it is integral and important to our ecological being. We must lose our fear of these creatures. The wolf, the bear, the shark, the lion...just a few animals that we have tried to exterminate because of our fear. As we begin to trust and understand our place in this magnificent web, we will see that there is nothing to fear but our own fear.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One Line

"One Line" Copyright don wright 2012

One Line represents
the unity of souls,
the common vision of organic community
and the spirit of brotherhood.
It represents a one creator,
and a unified creation.

Resolution Brings Peace

"Resolution Brings Peace" Copyright don wright

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day. My wife and my daughter and I celebrated with fresh Whitefish, Rice and Salad. We shared a magnificent bottle of French Red wine. I snuck out of work 15 minutes early to go and buy a present for my lady. I was a hero. Sue was saying that North Bay was a madhouse. It seems almost EVERYONE was celebrating in restaurants and flower shops. We joked because only the lucky few get to stay at home and celebrate.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Holy Cow

Its been a week since I had anything to say? Things are good. I'm in love with my wife. I am making her breakfast and lunch and seeing her out the door every week day so she can go to work. Thats my routine now and I love it. I am here kiss her when she returns AND I try to even have her dinner ready! Just like a good house husband should. I need to go cut some carrots and celery for her lunch cause my baby loves to snack. I like to feed her cereal with bananas and milk for breakfast. At 7:45 I will go and start the truck for her. I find her stunningly beautiful and well deserving of lavish love. I am a very blessed person! and I think I will do all the dishes from last nights dinner party.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Just Doodle

"just doodle" copyright don wright 2012

Well this morning before work I got out a nice sheet of 18x24 and I sat down with my pencil and I just doodled. I just let the pencil go and enjoyed the ride. I had said that I needed a pencil so I could erase. I think that was wrong. There is no such thing as erase...a doodle is a doodle. There is no such thing as a mistake. I did however leave smudge marks because I'm a caveman. Maybe a pen is better.

"just doodle Inverted" copyright don wright 2012

Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Ice Shack

Sawdust on the floor
Armstrong Conveyor 

Ice Blocks stacked

The ice will remain as is until end of february, at which time a thick blanket of sawdust will be placed over all the blocks. The ice will keep all summer and well into the fall.