Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Creative Power of Women

"The Creative Power of Women" copyright don wright 2012

I drew this with one line as I was considering how much I love women. I have noticed a number of great painters, paint erotic art. I decided that I would try my hand at it. I realize it looks rather innocent. It is meant to be. I did not want to objectify, or be graphic, rather, I wanted to celebrate with lines on paper.

I completely understand why mother earth is a mother. The female gender of our species has so much creative power. She has the power to create life. She has the power to nurture. She has great power to love unconditionally. Not only does she seed this world and care for her creation, but she also provides unselfishly for the needs of her man. Undying and self giving in love, blending both form and function, tempered with love and grace, women are divine.

Naturally, I see women through my own adoring rose colored glasses. I have met many who say they are the spawn of satan! I have seen many women who create, but then destroy. I will let others draw those pictures. I will draw from what I know and from what I adore.

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