Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, November 26, 2012


"influences" don wright 2012

My coach told me that clearly my move to northern ontario has had a major influence on my art. I draw what I know. I draw what I see through my rose colored glasses. At the heart is love. I see the world with loving eyes. I feel the influence of my surroundings. The grouse, the thunderbird, the sun and circles are all representative of life and freedom and love and peace and contentment and connectivity with Spirit and each other. They are representations of the ideal  that we are all one and that all is well.

Of course I read the papers and watch the news and I am quite aware of the "sickness" that pervades humanity. I choose to counter act this negative with the positive. I cast these doodles out to the cyberworld and to the walls of anyone who asks with the intent to beautify and bring quiet humble peace if only for a moment.


1 comment:

  1. I don't make a habit of enjoying other people's art. In fact, when it comes to art and artists I can be quite critical. (for more info see NorvalMorrisseauLegal.com). However...

    When I click into your art gallery I am amazed at what I see. Your work drips in Spirit. Your child-like innocence flourishes, yet doodle by doodle your imagery matures into something quite profound. As one of your "coaches" let me tell you, my coach would be blown away by what you are doing here. There are a dozen that would hang anywhere. I'm in love with "my wife and I" and so many others.

    Your trajectory is intense!
    Spirit is moving well in Mr. Don Wright.

    Artists...Hear this! If there is love of Spirit then the river will flow, and it will be good.

    Morrisseau's last decade (1989-99) is so high its subtle. Most don't get it. Many feel that the work is immature or even senile, but Norval was signalling a trajectory into higher love. The vessels he used were innocent, simple, pure, connected and without fear... of being simple, pure and innocent.

    I'm writing not so much to pat you on the back, which I prefer to do in person, but to say, look over here artists and dealers. Look at what Great Rabbit is rustling up now! This is special.


Go ahead....Make my day!