This is my buddy Ron sitting on the beach at Wasaga last August. It was Debbies birthday and Sue and I took the day off work. Deb invited 2 friends and I invited Ron and his daughter Rebecca.
Ron was a little leary of coming as he has a pretty bad time with Crones disease. It is a very debilitating condition. It makes it tough for him to travel. It also leaves him without a whole lot of energy as eating is painful and nauseating.
We packed a picnic lunch and with 7 in the van headed to the beach. My daughter and her friends got day passes for the slide ride and mini golf. We setup "camp" on the beach under a shade tree. Rons daughter Rebecca and I swam a lot in the waves. She had a whale of a time. I bought the girls a great big inflatable turtle. We had a lot of fun cimbing on and falling off.
The water is shallow then deep, shallow then, deeper, shallow then deeper still. In the deep spots, it was over Rebeccas head, and in the shallow spots it was OK for her to stand. I took her over the deep spot to get to the shallow spot. She was sitting on the turtle and I said to her. Now Rebecca, do you realize that the water is over your head? She said yes. I said, what would you do if you fell off? She said "paddle". I said, now you wouldnt need to fear or panic because I am here. She said OK and with that....JUMPED into the water. Thats not what I had in mind! She went down a few feet and then came bobbing to the surface, paddling to beat the band. Her angle was wrong so I swept my hand under her and lifted her legs. Suddenly she was swimming. She yelled out "LOOK AT ME!!!! I'M SWIMMING!!!! I'M A SWIMMER!" She kept shouting this as she paddled. I swept her up and put her on the turtle as she was obviously quite tired. She had the biggest smile! We cheered! It was golden!
It was at that moment that I realized that I had the blessed fortune of witnessing one of lifes great events. Like running behind the bicycle as your child learns to ride, or watching as your child ties thier shoes for the first time, or even when your child learns to "high five". There is that great big "self satisfaction" look they have. I felt like a million bucks!
Ron found himself a great spot where he could watch and read. He did have a great time. Its just that when I told him the story, I wished it had been him who had been there. I wish it would have been him who could have seen and experienced the look of sheer joy and satisfaction of his daughter. I felt very sad for him. That is certainly not the feeling he would want for me. He does not seek my sorrow. He was pleased for me, yet I know, he wishes it was him too. I feel in one sense that I stole a moment from him, and yet in another sense, felt so richly blessed by the moment. Ron revelled in my joy.
I like my freind Ron. It hurts to watch this disease steal from him. He is growing weary of the constant battle and I dont blame him. YET, through this he always smiles and thinks positively. He has taught me a lot about finding joy in difficult situations.
What is the secret you ask?
A personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord God, thankyou for my friend Ron. Lord God I pray that You would heal him. Lord God I pray that You will continue to be his constant companion. Lord God please give us many more years as friends. Lord God help me to be a real and true friend to Ron. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.