So my wife, daughter, 2 brotherinlaws, father in law and nephew all return from Pheonix today. They will not be bringing Oma's body due to too many delays and red tape. Oma will have to stay in Pheonix until Opa returns. Her wish was to be cremated and have her ashes scattered in the desert. We would have like to have her make the trip but Oh well. There are many things out of our control.
So I decided last night to get all cleaned up. I gave myself a haircut and I shaved off the "goat" I wanted to look good. Imagine my horror as I looked in the mirror this morning and realized that perhaps I had one too many drinks. I had a reverse mohalk. Evidently when I took the spacer off to clean the shears, I neglected to sdet it back at 3. It was set at one. That one last little swipe I took to to finish up evidently was the straw that broke the camels back. tehe. I was really embarrased. There was no way I could go to the airport looking like that!. Here I am trying to impress my love and my family and I end up looking like a 4 year old who found the scissors.
I gave my buddy a call on the way to work. I woke him up out of bed and he opened the door for me. We both laughed at my stupidity. I grabbed his shears and gave myself a number 1. That is the nly way I could hide my mistake. It reminds me oof a stupid saying...I cut this wood 3 times and its still too short!.
Well anyway, hair grows back and my wife loves me for more than my hair...thank goodness!
So I decided last night to get all cleaned up. I gave myself a haircut and I shaved off the "goat" I wanted to look good. Imagine my horror as I looked in the mirror this morning and realized that perhaps I had one too many drinks. I had a reverse mohalk. Evidently when I took the spacer off to clean the shears, I neglected to sdet it back at 3. It was set at one. That one last little swipe I took to to finish up evidently was the straw that broke the camels back. tehe. I was really embarrased. There was no way I could go to the airport looking like that!. Here I am trying to impress my love and my family and I end up looking like a 4 year old who found the scissors.
I gave my buddy a call on the way to work. I woke him up out of bed and he opened the door for me. We both laughed at my stupidity. I grabbed his shears and gave myself a number 1. That is the nly way I could hide my mistake. It reminds me oof a stupid saying...I cut this wood 3 times and its still too short!.
Well anyway, hair grows back and my wife loves me for more than my hair...thank goodness!