We havn't had a couch in our house for 15 years. My children have been saying how they have been deprived of a proper up bringing because we dont have a couch. As I tell people, I am enjoying their look of shock and horror. Yes thats correct. I dont own a couch......ugh at least until now. I just bought the couch in the picture. Its awesome.
It all began with...you know...you can buy a couch for $500.00. it then migrated to look, you can buy a whole 3 piece set for $1200.00. So I began the hunt. Ive been to 11 different furniture shops. I've sat in every couch between here and Scarbourough. NONE I repeat none, felt like the first couch I sat in on my journey. The cost was $1300.00 for the couch. Way too much for a small fry like me. Far over my budget. Its just that every couch I sat in failed in comparison. So I did it. I feel like a king. I also feel good that I didnt make this decision on price. I based it on the couch that made me happiest.....now I just need to break it to my wife. She told me that I couldnt spend that kind of money on a couch. I know, some of you are probably rolling your eyes as you sit in your $5000.00 couches.
I guess I also got tired of the shopping and endless lies. Check this out...true conversation.
Don: Hi Im looking for an all leather couch
Clerk: we have lots of leather couches.
Don: Hey this one is really nice..Is it pure leather?
Clerk: Everything you are sitting on is pure leather.
Don: hmm OK so is this couch pure leather.
Clerk: Everything you are sitting on.
Clerk: it is made of Leather and leathermate.
Don: so what is leathermate.
Clerk: its the stuff they put with pure leather.
Don: Is leathermate leather?
Clerk: No but it doesnt matter
Don: So the truth is is this. The couch is not pure leather. It is comprised of both leather and a leather like fabric. Is this the truth.
Clerk: Yes
Don: Thankyou..have a nice day.
Its just a *&%(&$^#% couch! Why do we continually have to lie? Shop after shop with misleading signs. One sign said going out of business sale. Everything must go. I said, I like this couch but too bad its white. He says, no problem, I can order it in. OK so now I'm wondering...what does going out of business mean? Every place had a "liquidation sale" Liquidation, as it turns out, is just a word that gets added to make everyone think that the owner is motivated to sell. I only saw motivations to lie. I saw the same couch in 3 places. One said boxing day sale price $1200.00. The next store has a sign on the same couch that said $2500.00. The clerk said that we could work out a deal. Yet another store had a price scrathched from $3500.00 to 2500.00 to door crash special $1400.00. So what are these prices? Its all just virtual. Every sign and every person was motivated to make me think that I was getting a deal. I got so fed up of it all. All I could think about was the first couch I sat on when I began my lesson in "sales 101". No fancy saleman telling me lies, no signs making me think that I got a deal. Just a really nice couch that hugged me and made me feel like a king.
And thats all I have to say about that......PS, I watched Forrest Gunmp again on TV. What a great movie...and thats all I have to say about that.