Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Septic System

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Flying to Germany and other stuff

Well Debbie leaves for Germany tonight. She is flying with her cousin Cassandra. They will be travelling in Germany with their grampa (OPA) Deb is due back in two weeks, BUT she said that if she is having fun she is likely just to stay there until school starts in September. OPA has a full itinerary for them. I cant wait to hear all about it.
In the meantime. I am leaving for Northern Ontario Friday AM at 6 and hope to be on the banks of the Temagami River by dinner. We will camp out so that I can have a campfire cup of coffee at 6am Saturday with a fishing pole in the creek listening to the sound of rushing water and birds......mmmmmm coffee.....mmmmm...fishon!
I want to go and look at a farm on hwy 17 in between Sudbury and North Bay. 154 acres, 4 bedroom house, barn and drive shed with lots of highway frontage. This would put me smack dab in between the two cities. I could erect a sign for my business and hopefully attract the attention of at least some of the 1000's of people who travel that road daily.
Work begins on my Septic System at home. cost? illegally....$10,000.00 and right away. Legally $25,000.00 several months of red tape, studies, applications, engineers reports. My friggin conscience wont let me do it illegally and all my friends are calling me a fool. What can I say...I want to be legal...but at such a cost?.....DOH.
Friday, July 18, 2008
One More Thing
Nan, who is from Scotland said " Hey, do you know any scottish songs?" I said yes I know Wild Mountain Thyme. She said, I love that song....play it for us. So Bob and I played and sang and Nan sang along. When we were done, everyone cheered and Nan said " Hey do you know any scottish songs?" I said Yes, I know Wild Mountain Thyme. She said "oh I love that song...sing it for us." I looked over at Bob and we both broke down laughing. The funiest thing was that no one caught on as to why we were laughing so hard.
It sure is easy to please these folks!!!!
I am a guy
I am a guy.
My wife and I enjoy a cup of coffee in the garden every morning at 7am.
She asked if I would pick her up from work again today.
My daughter Debbie has been using my wife’s van so I have been picking her up at night.
When my wife suggested that she might be able to get a ride home with one of her co-workers. I was actually disappointed. Here is why and here is why I know I’m a guy.
My wife is incredibly hot and sexy. The truth is, I feel like a million bucks driving my convertible with the top down WITH an incredibly hot superchick in the seat beside me. It makes me feel strong and important. It makes me feel like others are jealous of me. It makes me feel like everything I ever worked for is at my finger tips. When I drive down the road, people look at me. I’m not sure if its my car or the hot chick riding with me. Whatever it is, heads turn and it makes me feel good.
How’s that for shallow! Of course I shouldn’t materialize my wife. She is truly a gift from God and shouldn’t really be put on a plate for my visual pleasure. Its just that she seems to love the power she has over me. She loves the fact she makes me feel so good. The power of her beauty runs rampant on me. When I leave her in the morning, I count the minutes until we are re-united. When I pick her up from work, I get to show off just how lucky I am. I think that’s a guy thing. Teehee and I dont even feel guilty about it......yet
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Joy and Sorrow...and that guilt thing again
Jonathon faithfully sent me updates and Christmas cards. He wrote me letters talking about his life and asking me questions about mine. I never once sent him a letter. I never once responded to his questions. Now that he is moving on with his life, I am feeling guilty. I think I need to write to him now and say goodbye and perhaps explain myself.
I often use my blog as a way for me to work out stuff. I know, usually we work stuff out in private but I also value the thoughts of others. Often times the act of me writing and posting gives me a thought process and helps me to work out my path.
So here is why I never responded.
-I was driven by a need to help someone in private, in secret as an anonymous person.
-I did not want to influence his life other than providing funds for the people who knew the community and what they needed and were directly related to the project.
-I did not want this little boy to grow up dreaming of me or my country as being a better place. I wanted him to focus only on his own community.
-I did not want to interfere with Jonathon’s family. He had a mom and dad and siblings and I did not want to change anything that I didn’t know about.
-I wanted as much of the resources to go to him as possible and did not really want money or resources going to correspondence/thankyou cards or any other swag that did not directly help the program. I realize people are motivated by thankyou’s but my motivation was different.
-I had the money taken out of my Credit Card monthly and once I made the commitment I put it out of mind. It was something I did because I felt commanded by my Lord to do something and that “command” didn’t include correspondence.
-I never intended to correspond.
As I read my new sponsor pack, it appears as though correspondence is a valuable part of the program. I have read about the joy and glee of the children as they receive letters from their sponsors. I wonder if he ever sat waiting for me to respond? I feel bad if he did. So now I think I need to contact Jonathon and explain to him.
Well now that I have a new sponsor child with different circumstances, I am feeling like I need to correspond. I’m still praying over that. Little Artruro does not have a father. He lives with his mom and his aunt. There are no men in the house. The men have rected or neglected their family. There are two families struggling to make ends meet. There are 5 beds in a 2 room shack. Am I seeking to be a father image? Am I seeking to vindicate man?
As I look back at my life I find myself drawn to situations where women or children have been victimized or abused or neglected by men. I have often looked back in shame at what my fellow man has done. While I am a man, struggling to do the right thing, I see all around me men who don’t care and who think of only themselves. I am often ashamed at being a man, yet I have the greatest respect fro men who “do it right” I have many men mentors who I have modeled my life after and I have many “anti-mentors” who I have tried to not be like.
I recon there are many things I cant change, but there are some things I can change. I have come to take great guidance from that “still small voice” and my relationship with God. I ask myself continually….what would Jesus do? He after all is my hero, my saviour and my only hope for salvation.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Isn't He Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008
Hairy Old Man

Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!! look at those eyebrows!!!! They are like wings. No wonder when I asked Patti to cut them she said....eeeewww...they are like pubes....I'm not touching them!
Haha see the van in the background. A father and his son pulled up and set up camp right beside my buddy Barry. He said" I like new neighbours. This is nice and they will be so much better than the last ones. We struck up conversation and learned that this was the calm before the storm. They were sent ahead to set up camp. The rest would be there soon. The rest???? Yes the other 6 kids! haha and they are there for a month????? Poor Barry grinned and we all laughed. So much for liking neighbours!
Speaking of EEWWW.... on the way in to work I could smell a horrible smell. Halfway between my gramma's stinky perfume and an aborigine's armpit. I was looking around and the only explanation was that it came from the car behind me. YUK..Could you imagine having to sit in that car? I wonder how her fellow employees like her choice of perfume. It made my eyes water. hhhmmm...not even my big pubey eyebrows could save me!
Friday, July 11, 2008
I've been workin on a railraod....
My buddy Mike and I will be spending a week in the bush first week of September. We will drive this beauty deep into the heart of Temagami wilderness and that will become our “outpost”. We intend to canoe and kayak some remote rivers, fish some places that havnt been seen by a human for a while. We will ATV on many of the thousand miles of trails. We are both photography fans so I also look forward to snapping a thousand pics. I can hardly wait.
Oh I know I am bad with birthdays, but I also know, or I think I know, that my friend in England has a birthday sometime in July…or was that August? No I’m sure its July. A couple of years back I phoned her up and sang happy birthday. Since I don’t have a clue how to reach her, other than my blog, I will text it…………………..
Happy Birthday to you (sometime in July)
Happy birthday to you (sometime in July)
Happy Birthday dear Hanni
Happy Birthday to you (and many more)
mwa mwa