I realize that this might sound a little forward but I ask you to please follow the link and donate anything. Any amount. $10.00 is nothing and you would be storing some real treasures. If you are shy or want some proof, then go to the blogspot and read for yourself. If you want my bro to come and talk to your organization, he will. He will bring pictures and proof of changed lives, of hope and dignity. He will tell you stories that will make you cry. When you give, your own life will be enriched. You will be intrinsically rewarded. How do I know? Ask any of the millions of people who give to charity.
I watched a guy go to the counter at a convenience store to get "his usual" as the attendant called it. His usual was scratch and win lotto tickets. He spent "just $10.00 bucks." I sense that he goes weekly maybe even daily for his fix of "hope". I can guarantee you that if he was to toss the loto tickets and give that money to a chosen charity like this, than he would live a much more satisifed and fulfilled life. Giving is like that. This might even sound a little selfish, but for the selfish person I may be on to something. Here it is.....The more you give, the more you get. How do you like them apples?....
There. I just got my confirmation. I am filled with satisfaction knowing that my small monthly gift has just made everlasting change and that my small amount, together with your small amount will multiply in the lives of these people. I feel like a million bucks.
Thankyou Lord for this opportunity. Thankyou Lord that You multiply our offerings. Thank You Lord that You have taught us to love, care and support each other. Thank You for the priviledge that is mine to know You Lord God. Thank You for calling people like John and Julie to be Your hands and feet. Thank You Lord for allowing me to be a thread in their garments.