Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation
Friday, August 28, 2009
Crow Feather

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Loving Creator
We stand before our afflictions and we feel weak
We think of You and we feel strong
Fill us with Your glory oh Lord
and make us whole
Heal our bodies Lord
and Heal our hearts
We praise You with our very being
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Do You Visit?
I think its important for us to visit people in need. Its important for us to stand beside our brothers and sisters in times of need. People need to talk. People need to share. People need empathy and to know that others care. People need to stand with each other. Sometimes nothing needs to be said. Sometimes sharing ones own pain helps the other person. Visitation is a double blessing I have found. Visitation is something important.
I have been under a lot of personal stress lately and have been setting aside my visitation responsibilities. I have been wrapped up in my own thoughts, my own concerns, my own pain. People have been there for me. While I have been seeking a Spirit name, I have been neglecting the very Spirit that defines me. It doesn’t add up. I have to BE. I have to DO.
There are three people I need to see. There are three people I need to share with. Three people who face three different heart breaks. Three people who need to know that someone cares. Three people who need to share. Three people who’s names pound in my head. I cant leave it any longer. I have to see them. I have to hold their hands in love and in prayer. I have to do it now.
The pain they have is great. In many ways I wonder….can I bear it? Am I strong enough? Yet the drum beats in my head and with every beat I have a greater sense to do what I have to do. I love these people. I know that the strength that I have to bear my own problems is somehow linked with the strength that I can muster to share with theirs.
Do you visit? Will you make a time investment for your brothers and sisters? Stop and think right now. Is there someone who needs your ear, your love, your understanding, your empathy?. Is there someone who needs you to just quietly sit with them? You could change a life….who knows…maybe even your own.
Join me. Reach out in love. You wont regret it.
Peace, Love and Blessings
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Medicine Wheel Sacred Medicine

I am researching Sacred Medicines. I remembered how the four sacred medicines were on the medicine wheel chart and were a part of the medicine wheel teachings. I did a bit of searching and found a teachers aid on the subject here. http://youthrelationships.org/documents/Abor%20unit%203%20sample.pdf. The information below is taken from this document. It was written by Mary Lou Smoke, Aniishnaabe Nation
Sweetgrass – Wiingashk
Sweetgrass is a perennial grass that is found growing wild in very few places. It has a sweet smelling fragrance that stays with the grass forever.In the Native culture, sweet grass is considered sacred and it plays an important part in sacred ceremonies. The grass is made into braids. Once the braids are dried, they can be burnt to produce a calming and soothing effect on the user.
Sage – Shkodawabuk
Sage is used to purify the mind, body and spirit before praying. It can be used to purify sacred items such as eagle feathers and pipes. A person can put a small amount of sage in a medicine pouch to ensure personal and spiritual safety. Sage is used for purification, cleansing, wisdom, and healing. Sage is known as the “Womens Medicine”
Tobacco – Semma
Tobaco has a central role in the religious life of many Aboriginal groups in Canada. Prayers were sent through the smoke of the burning plant mixed with other medicines to the Great Spirit.Smoke was also used to smudge people and ceremonial objects. When a person gives tobacco, this shows a great deal of respect. When wanting to see an Elder, tobacco is usually presented to that Elder.
Cedar – Keezhik
Cedar is a sacred plant that is burned during ceremonies of cleansing, clearing and blessing.
It is used during prayer and meditation to cleanse rooms. Also, the cedar smoke is used to attract beneficial energies.
The Machine - Patti Rainbow

Hey Don, Look what I made today! Funny you should be talking about spirit names the day my spirit called me to make a rainbow. This is the most magical shape I ever made. It's a model of the fourth dimension. I am going to meditate on peace and harmony every day and spread the love with beams of light and love.
Patti Rainbow
I love you Patti and I want a machine. Yes I remember the machine. Its the most magnificent rainbow generater I have ever seen. I remember how we would hang out and bask in the glory of the rainbows it casts. Magnificent indeed and I cant wait. I remember the first day you made the machine and your excitement. This is a magnificent piece of living art. It casts good medicine with such great abundance. No direct light can pass by this object without casting its rainbow beauty.
Sue and I laughed about the name. The Machine. However did it end up with the name Machine? From 4 directions this art casts rainbows like a machine.....hmmmm...machine....
"welcome my friends...welcome to the machine"?.
Reach Out and Touch the Rainbow
Friday, August 21, 2009
What is a Name? - Email From a Friend
Reach Out and Touch the Sky
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Relative Obscurity
For the longest time, I did not allow my site to be found on searches as one of the settings. As I became more bold, I decided to make my site viewable and findable on the net. I have really low viewing numbers. I see perhaps 30 visitors a day. I also know that I have only really 10 or so people who follow in any way. These numbers are way up! Heck, a couple of years ago I was down to but two readers.
I decided that I dont really care how many people actually view my site. In fact, I take great pride in my relative obscurity. This is why I have decided not to implement tags in my blog.
I say a lot of personal things here. This is my diary as it were. I dont really want to go blab it to the world, although, I enjoy the thought of sharing. I dont really want to be easy to be found. I take quiet joy in the fact that people only find me by fluke, divine intervention, a link from somewhere, or have traced back to my blog by my "popcorn".
This whole blog thing has really been a cool way to not only keep track of my ideas, but also to see how I have changed. Its seen me through many phases and many friends around the world. Its allowed me the opportunity to remind myself the wonderment of it all. The heights and the depths. I've said things that maybe I shouldnt, and I have failed to say things that I should have. Yet I have also found magnificent life changing things. I have learned that every day can be A Brand New Day! I claim that and I will live that! You can too!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tribute to Les Paul
I understand that Les Paul passed away the other day. I grabbed this picture off the net from: fromthevault.org because it was an excellent shot and a fitting picture of an incredibly influential guitar player.
Here is a write up from Associated press: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jBD78k8tewQ7FPeiKtJbK8QPmtzAD9A23LL00
The article goes on say that Les Paul was 94 years old! He died with his freinds and family beside him. What a great way to go!
Thanks Les Paul for everything you did in the name of musical invention. You are a musical hero and elder statesman. You ROCK!!!!!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
Pride - In the Name of Love -U2
U2 -Pride - In the Name of Love - Copyright U2
I realized that the last video I posted was actually a re-post....a re-run. Whats with that? So I decided to post another, more current. I recorded this last night on my trusty little cam. I wish this was an original, but its my rendition of U2's song Pride - In the Name of Love.
"One man comes to justify and one to overthrow". Interesting...two side of one coin. Each make the other possible with justification being the ultimate reward. Conflict and Resolution as MAJ would say.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Northern Ontario Recharge
I have the drive broken down into mental segments. I usually start to feel good around Barrie as thats kinda the gateway to the North for me. Thats where I make my route choice. I like to go to camp via 69 and north at French River, but coming home I like to drive through North Bay and take hwy 11. I make a loop. I have little stops I like to make along the way.
There is a Native Craft shop over at Nippissing that was selling out some of their prints. Last time I went there, I saw a (my) Brian Marion print and I was so excited, I grabbed it and left in a hurry in case they chaged their minds about the price..tehee. I was so wrapped up in the moment, I forgot to look at what else they had. Its been haunting me ever since. I do remember a big Nokomis print that was marked down to $50.00. It was printed at Wahsa and was $175.00. I really like Nokomis' work. I most especially like Trip to Dentist and the story behind that print is amazing.
live long and prosper......haha...its been almost a year since I turned off the satelite TV. My wife and I entertain ourselves by watching some of the movies we taped over the years. I laugh because last night we watched a Star Trek episode and just as the best scene arrived...the tape ended! doh...its still better than CNN
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
At the Foot of the Cross - Beauty for Ashes
At The Foot Of The Cross (Ashes To Beauty) Music and lyrics by Kathryn Scott
I recorded this a couple of months ago. I love the song. I have been reflecting on cosmology and religious type views and realize that I am quite comfortable with a Kingship/Servant model. When the Holy Spirit entered my body it was part and parcel of my experience with Jesus. I have to say that I am uncomfortable with calling myself a christian. I am very comfortable with calling myself a lover of Christ. I consider Him to be my coming King and I am a servant. One day, I will bow before Him and I would consider that a great honor. In the quietness of my thoughts and dreams, I am a son of Abraham and he responds when I call him father. I am a musician in King Davids Court and I sing praises to God. I am a seafarer and a fisherman and smell the Atlantic ocean. I am a vessel. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and I am born again. I am on a mission to extend love and fellowship to ALL regardless of culture,religion or and beleifs. I am here to understand and to learn and to grow. I am tired of our differance and I am more interested in how we are united. I am interested in joyfully joining with all people who love God, or Spirit or Source or Allah or WaheGuru or whatever name you want to call him. I am interested in how we all perceive Him..how we chose to worship Him....what knowledge of Him means to us. I am not in any position to judge. I am a bridge. I am a rainbow.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Cree, Woodland Cree, Universal or Ojibway Syllabics


Pool Become Living Room
View to House
Ass Over Tea Kettle