I accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour and invited Him to reside in me at an early age. I felt as though I was filled with Gods holy Spirit. It was ecstatic. It was the best thing that ever happened to me in this life. While I was already blessed with a stable family full of love, once I saw Jesus I knew I was part of a much larger family. After fervent study, and a narrowing of the gate, I was becoming a "super-christian", full of righteousness and very concerned about the salvation of others.
I attended a native anishnaabe ceremony where I learned about the native Great Spirit. I had prayed for protection of my faith, and when I met the Great Spirit, I knew immediately that we were one. This was no imposter this was the very Spirit of God. I learned that this Spirit is so powerful and everlasting and resides in everything. I hugged and old growth pine and I could feel the Source of all creation. I could feel Gods pulse and I wept. I wept for creation and for self. I wept in sorrow, but I also wept in joy.
I was invited by a friend of mine to visit his church, his gardwara. He is Sikh. I have always admired and respected he and is family. They are beautiful, loving, kind and concerned people. They always seemed like family, so I accepted the invitation. I met many wonderful people. I decided to return on my own to "do some business" with God. With my face pressed to the Gardwara floor I prayed. My prayers turned again to tears as God responded with great love and assurance. I begged forgiveness for not seeing humanity with complete eyes of love.
I learned that I will leave salvation up to God. I will love and accept ALL people with equal love, even those I dont like. I will stick to the commandments that were put in my heart and I will leave everything else to God. I will not use Holy Scriptures to condemn people, rather I will use Holy Scriptures to love people.
I have come to believe that all of humanity is on a journey to understand God and self. Some journeys are long, some are short. Some are easy and some are hard. Each journey is individual. I do believe that at the end of the journey there is God. I believe it is in peoples best interest to come to know God sooner than later, as there are unmeasurable blessings with faith. However, just because a person has not come to know God here and now, it does not mean that salvation will be excluded. That person is not less of a person. That person is in need perhaps of even greater love. I believe it is Gods desire that all should be saved, we are after all, His very breath and made in his image.