Tuesday, August 25, 2009


"Osprey" - Copyright Gary Chick 1998

Do You Visit?

I think its important for us to visit people in need. Its important for us to stand beside our brothers and sisters in times of need. People need to talk. People need to share. People need empathy and to know that others care. People need to stand with each other. Sometimes nothing needs to be said. Sometimes sharing ones own pain helps the other person. Visitation is a double blessing I have found. Visitation is something important.


I have been under a lot of personal stress lately and have been setting aside my visitation responsibilities. I have been wrapped up in my own thoughts, my own concerns, my own pain. People have been there for me. While I have been seeking a Spirit name, I have been neglecting the very Spirit that defines me. It doesn’t add up. I have to BE. I have to DO.


There are three people I need to see. There are three people I need to share with. Three people who face three different heart breaks. Three people who need to know that someone cares. Three people who need to share. Three people who’s names pound in my head. I cant leave it any longer. I have to see them. I have to hold their hands in love and in prayer. I have to do it now.


The pain they have is great. In many ways I wonder….can I bear it? Am I strong enough? Yet the drum beats in my head and with every beat I have a greater sense to do what I have to do. I love these people. I know that the strength that I have to bear my own problems is somehow linked with the strength that I can muster to share with theirs.


Do you visit? Will you make a time investment for your brothers and sisters? Stop and think right now. Is there someone who needs your ear, your love, your understanding, your empathy?. Is there someone who needs you to just quietly sit with them? You could change a life….who knows…maybe even your own.


Join me. Reach out in love. You wont regret it.


Peace, Love and Blessings


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