Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Strange Thankyou

Part 1 overview
I have one of the greatest offices in my building. Its so big its almost cavernous. I have huge windows. I feel like a real executive. People are amazed when I bring them in.
Part 2 background
I have had a re occurring nightmare that has plagued me for the last 7 years. Its like this....
I go to the office to find that my office has been relocated without my knowledge. I search high and low for my office and belongings. Often I find then tucked away in little windowless cubby holes. This nightmare has happened about 10 times and ends up as a burdon that I carry around for the rest of the day.
Part3 a strange thankyou
My boss came to me yesterday and said that he has hired 2 more people but doesn't have anywhere to put them. He asked me if I would be kind and gracious enough to allow him to relocate me to a slightly smaller office, so they can share mine. He was so geniune.... a stark contrast to my nightmares of relocation. I said "Jimmy, thankyou for asking! I would be delighted to change offices". He thought my reaction was a little strange as this was clearly a down grade for me. I explained the nightmares I have been having. I was so releived to be asked and not just told. Even though I am down grading, I feel like a million bucks!
Part 4 Application
If my nightmare ever returns, I can just roll over and fall asleep because I know that my boss would never do that to me without asking..... He proved it to me yesterday

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