Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Does anybody read this stuff?

I have found blogging to be a wonderful outlet for some of the thoughts that swirl around in my head. My mother told me I should keep a log of my thoughts and experiences. So this is my diary. The only difference is that this diary can be read by all. Therefor, if I havnt stated this yet, I will now. This blog reflects my thought and is not supported or promoted by anyone.
How does it go...oh yes. The opinions expressed in this blog do not neccesarily reflect the opinions of the "station"
I have begun to wonder if anyone ever reads this stuff? I guess I dont really care, as traditionally we never want anyone to read our diaries. I still must remember that it might be read by someone at some time.
I have wondered if it is appropriate to pray on the blog as I have become accustomed. We read about how the quiet personal private prayer is the kind of prayer that God seeks. When I pray on line through my blog, am I broadcasting like the person standing on the corner? Am I doing this so people can say " my he must be Godly, he prays so well" Am I doing this to gain the appearance of being Godly? I guess God knows my heart but it leads me back to the very thing I am questioning. So here I go again...................

Dear God. Please search my heart and renew a right spirit in me. Lord, if this cyber talk is just gobblegoop and does not reflect my heart to You, I first beg Your forgiveness. I second ask that You might correct me. In my heart I want to be bold, but so easily I fall towards pride. A conflict inside between wanting to be loved by You and wanting to be loved by others can so easily cause one to pretend. I am sorry Lord. I do not want to pretend. I dont want to reduce Your excellence and righteiousness to mere passing words in carefully contrived blog. Father forgive me.

1 comment:

  1. I read you blog Don! I like hearing your thoughts about life, God and the knowledge of God. Keep it up.


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