Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Stray Cat Emporium

So I arrived home to be greeted by my wife saying " I dont think you are going to be very happy" I said "why?" She said "i'll show you. She brought me inside and showed me a stray cat that dropped in to visit. She was a skinny, scrawny cat. Looked like she'd been on the road for a while. She was very happy and well mannered. She seemed to settle in quite nicely. So my heart was breaking and thought Oh Well. Whats one more cat. (I already have 2...one being a stray)

Upon further inspection we realized that she probably had kittens. We could tell as she looked like a feeding station. So, after feeding her, and giving her rest, we let her out. A couple of hours later she appears with a kitten in her mouth. We thought oh well, so now we have 4. Well we let her out again and she appeared with yet another kitten. We welcomed that in. Next day, she went out for a couple of hours and came back with yet another. Now we are at 5. They are all weened, litter trained and eating solid food.

I called a freind of mine who was looking for a cat, and he picked up the mother, who will now have a luxurious home in upscale Hamilton (is there such a place?)

That leaves me with 3 kittens. My wife said "I have a confession to make" I said "do tell".
She said she saw a little black cat with white paws and found herself saying "oh, I wish I had one of those" Well guess what? One of the Kittys is black with white paws, and my wife is convinced that it is her fault.

I guess I'll be keeping the at least the black/white pawed Kitty.

Anybody want a kitten???????????????


1 comment:

  1. I want a kitten! I want a kitten! But alas I am not allowed to have one. In order for me to have a kitten I need to be a responsible adult and have a steady job and a steady income so that I can take care of a kitten. The really sad thing is that my family has always had pets. When my brother and I were toddlers my mom had a dog, 10 cats and a farm with at least 50 head of cattle(Personally, I think she was crazy). In August we euthanized one of our cats because she had gotten to old to function and that same weekend our other cat disapeared in that crazy rainstorm. So we have been pet-less for the last 2 months. I miss my cats. Wanna call my mom and see if you can convince that we need 2 kittens?


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