I remember when the children were small,
we would seek out Christmas Trees,
that were big, bold and tall!
We'd go to the bush with a saw and axe,
or over to Wintersingers
and pick one from the racks.
But I found as the children got older,
that need for big, tall and bolder,
seemed to get colder and colder.
My conscience about the carnage of a tree,
began to eat at me.
The thought of killing that tree
for the sake of my glee
made me see
things differently.
So for a period of time, when selecting our tree,
we'd take great pride in taking the ugliest we could find
thinking that if we didnt take it,
it would get left behind.
Well this year, we left it so long.
There it was Christmas eve afternoon
and we'd yet to find a tree for our room.
We began to worry,
where would we put the presents
I felt sorry
making my family feel like peasants
so dylan and myself, in the car we drove
to find us a tree that we could love.
We wanted a tree that would last just a little longer,
one that might speak of christmas just a little bit stronger
A tree that we could use over and over
a tree we could use again and again
a tree that we could have for this Christmas and more
a real live tree bought at a grocery store.
a tree marked down, and sitting alone
On the last day of the season
destined for teasing
as the one that wouldnt sell.
the one that didnt fair so well,
until two memory seeking gents
picked it out and for a few dollars and cents
gave it a home that will love and adore,
that will tend it season after season,
and cherish it more and more.
Well we had an awesome christmas,
tree and all
presents and love
rum and egg nog
steak and salad
shrimp and octypus
Irish cream and chocolate,
christmas cookies and plum cake
hottub and christmas music
We went to church this Chrristmas eve
and celebrated with friends who believe
that Jesus came as prince of peace
to free us os sins we could not release
to provide a way to the Lord above
full of grace and peace and love
a bridge that one can walk,
a way in which we could talk
to the living God
a way in which we could be reconcilled
with a God and appear undefiled
though our sins are great
He came to us and guaranteed our fate
that He would love us and make us whole
by filling the void,
deep in our soul
filling the gap that seems so wide
one in whom we can confide
and in who's love we can abide
to one we can dance and praise
for making us whole
the ancient of days in whom we trust
one to save us from our lust
and greed and mistrust
one who loves us just as we are
one who gave us the guiding star
and the book of life.
One to save us from envy and strife
Come Lord Jesus
be our guest
in you
we are happy and blessed
Come Lord Jesus come
fill our hearts with your happiness