Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Stark Contrast

My last blog I talked about the physical beauty of women, and how pornography degrades this beauty.

Well today we had a liturgical dance by one of the young adults in our congregation. Today, I saw real beauty. This dance was awesome! She moved in rhythm to a worship song and to scripture reading. It was truly truly beautiful.

The image of a believer dancing in joy and rhythm to God stands in such contrast to those dancing in bondage. I saw more beauty in this person than I ever remember seeing in any dance club I ever went to.

I'm a musician and often think of my relationship with God
in terms of music. Music and prayer are my means of communication
with God.

Well today, I began to dream of dancing. I have 2 left feet and am not much of a dancer. Maybe dancing is not my gift, but I will worship with a dancer any time and any place. If we included dance in our worship, I for one would be delighted.

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