Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

There is no such thing as an athiest!

So here is a quick hit statement. There is no such thing as an athiest! I beleive that an athiest is merely someone who knows there is a God, but denies His existance, to explain, pacify or rationalize his/her own wickedness and disobedience. WOW. How about that? Do you agree or disagree. I have some more thoughts but I'm getting kicked out of my office so I'll continue later.


  1. then wouldn't that make them a agnostick?
    Some people i rekon really dont think God exists (mostly people who think themselfes up there own arsekuvich!) but some also could do what you have said and then call themselfes atheist for sure.

  2. I believe an athiest is someone that hasn't yet opened the bible for themselves and won't accept the often conflicting view of who God is from other men.


Go ahead....Make my day!