Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Stole This Picture From A Friend

I stole this picture from a friend. I liked it so I took it. Is that wrong? Well you see I took a look at some of the cat pics I put on my blog and I could hear a little violin, ever so quiety in the back of my mind. Then upon seeing this cute little kitty, that violin became an orchestra! So I thought, rather than repenting by removing "the cat carrier" or the "kitty-which", I would simply post this cute little kitty pic. ...... and remind you, that this cute little kitty will soon be in need of the cat carrier...oops, did I write that out loud?


  1. gggrrr you stole it?? hahahaha repent ya mad man

    Nah it is cute huh? and like i think it is an ornament not a kitty, too small

    That cat carrier is disgusting, i love this word disgusting...the g in the middle realy gets it when ya feeling pious dont it. hahaha

  2. hahahaha words are fun and pronunciation and inflection are everything. Accentuating each sylable can be cool for when you are really angry.....so I guess I dont have to worry about you stealling the cat carrier for your blog...go ahead...I dare you!


Go ahead....Make my day!