Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Miracle

I was reading some of my old blogs.
Is that vain or what!
Anyway, I found this excerp from a poem I wrote around Christmas time.
My attention turned to the fact that Easter is upon us.
Easter is special to me.
It makes me think about the depths of the plan.
It's overwhelming to me the lengths that God has gone.
The complexity, yet the simplicity of it all!
I find it hard to beleive that He would love humanity,
to the point of bearing it all on the cross.
Taking the full weight and pain,
greif and suffering,
our sin, our pride....
One ugly moment when we bow our heads in shame.
And then a resurrection, giving us hope,
in Jesus name...............................................

Jesus came as prince of peace,
to free us from sins

we could not release;
to provide a way to the Lord above
full of grace

and peace
and love.

A bridge that one can walk,
a way in which we could talk,
to the living God.
A way in which we could be reconcilled,
with a God, and appear undefiled.
Though our sins are great,
He came to us

guaranteed our fate,
that He would love us,

and make us whol,e
by filling the void,
deep in our soul;
Filling the gap

that seems so wide;
one in whom

we can confide.
One in whoms

love we can abide.
To one we can

dance and praise,
for making us whole
the ancient of days.

In whom we trust
to save us from our lust,
and greed and mistrust.

One who loves us
just as we are
and one who gave us

the guiding star,
the book of life.
One to save us from envy and strife.

Come Lord Jesus
be our guest
in you we are happy and blessed
Come Lord Jesus come
fill our hearts with Your happiness

1 comment:

  1. thas beautiful don guy. i have saved it on my disc and i will get it printed off. I love it

    x x x


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