Hey thanks for the pics M http://www.crazykawa.blogspot.com/
Well it was another great evening last night. WanderingWendyand Erica both got dunked. HaHaHa the water was like lava water last night. There will be a day when we have a church building when we can control some of this stuff. For now we just enjoy the moments as they are....good....bad...whatever..makes no difference because better is one day with God than a thousand elsewhere!
We had a funny thing happen at practice before the service. We were hungry so we ordered Pizzas. My daughter Deb ran acroos the road and picked them up for us. No sooner had we opened the pizza boxes when a pizza delivery guy showed up and said he was asked to deliver these to us. Cool! It was almost like some Pizza challenge thing. Personally I prefered the free delivered ones better. Is it that my Scottish background showing through? If you know anything about how we came to be the recipients of Pizza blessing....do tell! Any ways, instead of being somewhat secretive about our original pizza stash, in joy we yelled out PIZZA! That brought many willing blessing recipients to the Pizza table.
Praise and Worship was spirited and joyful. Well, I mean how could it not be joyful? These are my favourite services. We have been blessed with fairly regular baptisms.I said it before and I'll say it again. If you have never come out to a baptism service, then you should. Trust me. You will be glad you did. Even if you dont know the person, you can just smile and pretend you do, that would be cool. You wont need sunglasses or fake mustaches. Just a smile and a desire to fellowship with God.
Most gratefull brother, some little secrets are so much funner, not telling. The baptism was a really big blessing to me and so many others. Here,here. If you haven't been to one... GO.
ReplyDeleteLove ???
ah ha
ReplyDelete1 you were at the baptism
2 you have a mysterious sense of humour
3 you have access to a PC at 11:17am
Most grateful brother, access to a Pc at 11:17 AM means nothing. I also have access to one at 12:04 am. WHat does that mean. But, let me say this, I can keep a secret and I have one. or two. One only few would know. Luv ya' ma' brotha'. Keep blogin'.
most blessed after having blessed you and those who worship with you.
ReplyDeleteI'll never tell!!