Yikes! I'm almost out of track!
I have 2 expositions and 1 major essay to finish up my Biblical Interpretation class. I seem to remember the due date was May 28. I just finished all my reading. I went and bought an NASB bible, as that is one of the recommended versions for these papers. I sat down on May 10 and said "There now, I have 18 days, so I shall begin now". I opened my notes and read the course outline. Much to my surprise the due date is actually May 18! Yikes! Captain....I'm almost out of track! I cant beleive my overwhelming stupidity. Quick, hide all sharp objects....I am such a duffus!
OK, So I have cancelled my band practice tonight, I took tommorrow off work and I will spend it at Emmanuel Bible College. One of my papers requires significant research at a theological library. Having attended Emmanuel, I am allowed to use the library. I will bust my butt this weekend and cancell everything on my evening calandar until I press send on my PC. I suspect that will be 11:59pm on the 18th.......cause thats just the kinda guy I am....despite best efforts to change!
oh oh High School reunion Sat night...uh Church Sunday doh mothers day dinner in Kitchener Sunday afternoon....yikes captain...I'm running out of track!
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.