I have a week off. I have to laugh as everyone says "so, you flying South?"...uuuhh NO....I'm driving North. My buddy and I are going to do a Northern loop. We plan on drinking Labatt Blue in a Timmins bar. I mentioned the fact that we expected to find the equivelent of a couple set of teeth in the entire bar. He said..bad news is, they will be wanting your teeth. Good news is you'll be able to out smart them. Such bad jokes. Anyway, I'll be in North Bay tonight and Timmins tommorrow. Gogama and then Sudbury on Sunday. Parry Sound monday. I then look forward to the remainder of the week doing carpentry at home...man I'm pumped! I lead worship on Sunday December 3. I'm pumped aboput that too! oh and then its back to the grind on following Monday. CIAO for NOW
Hmmm...wonder if they have Great Bear or is it Grizzly Bear beer...well you can pretend like the Great Cdn fellas Bob and Doug MacKenzie...spouting off on Dec. 3, that ought to be fun. I think I'll sit up front and make funny faces at you.