Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, April 30, 2007

Welcome to PLanet Earth

My son and I were out for a drive yesterday. We glanced over at a cow standing at the edge of the field. Suddenly a calf fell out her back end. We looked at each other quite surprised. It all seemed so un ceramonial. Just MOO and Splash...Welcome to planet earth!


  1. Yo, Donny boy! This is my first visit since you gave me your new blogspot. I'm so glad to see you back in the 'Blogosphere". Missed you buddy. Somebody out there's gotta be real besides me. So bring it buddy! You'll get nothin' but the truth from me. I don't scare easily. Blessings my brother!

  2. Scotty, prepare to beam me back up. There's no signs of intelligent life down here.

  3. hahahha
    thats the most intelligent thing I've heard in some time. uuuugh Scotty? Make that 2

  4. Splish Splash that too cute calf needs a bath, but momma's big tongue will do the job.
    And a big Amen to Miss Jules comment. Bring it on home Mr. D


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