I cant beleive it. I'm such a red neck. So I have skunks that hang around my place. We have come to interact quit well. We have never been sprayed. So far we have co-existed quite well. Now this morning Mr Skunk walked in through the front door cat hatch. I said excuse me sir, but can you please leave my house. I reached over and opened the door. Well he spotted the dead mouse that my cat left at the front landing and decided he wanted it. I said leave and he motioned that he wasnt going anywhere without the mouse. So what could I do? I said OK, take the mouse and get out. He grabbed the dead mouse and made a brisk retreat. He was so bold that he didnt bother to leave my front deck before eating his prize. He enjoyed his one course meal right then and there. My cat wasnt so thrilled as that mouse a present for me..not the skunk. I really need to do something about that cat entrance. I love the convenience and so do the cats, but I'm getting as little tired of trying to corral skunks out of my house with out incident. I'm such a red neck and I live in a dis functional household. My friends at work just shake their heads....I imagine you do too!
wait till one skunk bomb goes off in your house, and it will be a different story..... you will need a skunk bunker like I have.