Did you know that there have been numerous site-ings of Cougars (Mountain Lions) in the Temagami area? I read through a number of discussion forums and there are many many people who beleive that the cougar still lives in that forest. I find this interesting. It appears that the official word is that cougars DO NOT EXIST in this area BUT the forums speak differently. So number four on my list is to see a cougar in the wild.
My buddy Mike says that seeing one would be highly unlikely as they are so stealth that if you see them, then they have already seen you for 30 minutes. They may choose to run and you will never see it OR, they may chosse to stay and "check you out" During this time you need to hope that he doesnt consider you a culinary appetizer. Mike has experience with Mountain Lions when he lived in Colorado. He says they "lay in wait" and then pounce. A human really doesnt have much of a chance if Mr Cougar thinks you are a TBONE steak.
None the less, this is a beautiful creature and another fine example of Gods incredible handiwork.
HHMM reminds me of a bad joke. This guy comes across a mountain lion and the mountain lion licks his lips. The guy freaks and prays to God...PLease Lord..make this lion a christian. With that the guy notices that the lion is actually praying. Excited the guy listens closely.......
"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful"
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