Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, May 02, 2008

Self Analysis, Repentance and Forgiveness

Self Analysis, Repentance and Forgiveness........or is it Self Analysis, Forgiveness and Repentance.....or is it just forgiveness, no repentance required and stop being so self critical?

Thank you for sticking up for me madmoiselle hotlips and offering me the advice about forgiveness. Sometimes we know that we are forgiven but cant forgive ourselves.

In my own mind, I have a hard time forgiving myself, if I do not also repent. I feel that I must have sorrow for what the negative things I have done and a hope that I would change. Maybe I reach too deep, or maybe I over dramatize. Maybe I make mountains out of molehills. Maybe I envision and feel problems where no problems exist. OR maybe I am right about myself....I'm a bit of a goof.

I find self analysis and repentance to be cleansing. It reminds me that I am not the great guy that everyone thinks I am. HHHMM actually, when my issues are brought to my attention by others, then maybe I am not even the great guy I think I am.

But, I'll tell you one thing I learned................

My wife stands beside me with mighty arms of grace. She adores me and loves me unconditionally. She wakes each day with a dedication to me. She is quick to forgive and quick to hug. She knows I'm a goof and I reckon I could be a goof for the rest of my life.

I just think its important for me to think about this stuff.

pssst......sticky toffee.......mmmmmmmm....marmite...hahaha

1 comment:

  1. the bible tells us to examine our selves and that when we do stuff we know we shouldn't do it's sin but only because we know we shouldn't do it. Its the only way to smooth out the rough edges and correct the things we do that piss each other off and conform more to the pattern of the world than gods pattern which is in us, the fruits that grow, that's his pattern :D
    Its like hard to know that we are such shits and to know that its gods grace that makes us rightous and not anything we do, i think thats hard to get anyway. We are right in our wrongness...haha, but not because were all that but because we got given a gift, hey do you like watches? I bought one for my bloke and now i'm not with him so i have it hanging about, you want it?



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