The Medicine wheel is fascinating. The medicine wheel is so deep. It has so many teachings. I sure would love to have an Ojibway elder teach me more. I beleive the medicine wheel is a lot like my bible. It is a pictoral representation of many divine spiritual truths. This one simple wheel can be used to illustrate so many wisdom stories. A true story teller could point to the wheel and begin to teach endlessly. It is a circle that goes around and around revealing pregressive revelations.
I have read much on the net, but it just doesnt cut it. I need to find myself a real live native elder who would take some time with me. Or perhaps there is a venue where I could sit in with other students. I sure would love that. I wonder if there will be a shaman or teaching elder at the changes of the seasons ceremony this year? It would be cool if Larry McLeod was there again. I have so much more background knowledge now, I think I could really absorb more this time.
Thanks for the facts. i used your facts for a school project Thanks