Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, July 02, 2009

A Canada Day Hero

We were gathered around talking about the beauty and the complexity of Mother Earth and Turtle Island. Sister Dawn related a story of an un named hero.........

There was a lady collecting seeds from the ditch out front of Dawn and Bob's place. Bob jokingly said....hey Dawn....there is a flower person just like you, in the ditch. So Dawn went to see her. The unknown lady was collecting seeds of flowers and wild flowers. Dawn is a person of great botanical knowledge and was intrigued by this lady and her simple motivation.

This lady liked to take the seeds home, and look at the beauty of the seeds through her microscope. Evidently, she has been collecting seeds for many years, from destinations all over this amazing island. Her collection is so big, that she herself has little room in her house. Her collection consists of thousands of varieties.

This lady, to me, has a richness greater than Fort Knox. While some would call this lady eccentric and perhaps an old fool, I nominate her as my Canada Day Hero! Madame, you are a visionary. You may very well be a rainbow.

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