Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Friends

I've always tried to live by the motto, to have a friend, you must be a friend. Jesus said "what greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." So I've often wondered how far I would be willing to go for a friend.
I found myself in a crisis over the last few weeks and I came to beleive the only way out was to call upon my friends. I was amazed that I didnt even have to ask. All I had to do was to explain my anguish and my trouble and my friends were willing to come to the rescue. My friends offerred me help beyond my expectation. My friends were not interested in money, or trading, or paying back of favours or any other conditions. My friends offerred me unconditional friendship and uncnditional help.
When I recounted my story to a distant friend he said "Don, you have some amazing friends. In your time of need, your friends were there. I hope you appreciate the lengths they would go for you"
Well I do know and appreciate. Good friendship doesnt count the costs or keep track of the debts. Good friends simply do. Good friends help to bear the burdons. Good friends take on the pain and translate that into action. This life would be a colder and darker place without friends.
So today, as I look back at my crisis, it has been bearable because of the empathy and call to action by my friends. I salute you. You make life worth living. Though friends dont keep track of debt, I feel a certain indebtedness. Not so much to you as individuals, but to friendships on a whole. I want you to know that you are better than friends. You are brothers and sisters.
Thank you.
I love You.
Bless You All

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