Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year! Twenty Ten

Hey Happy New Year everyone!

I noticed that my web counter just hit 10,500. Wow....thats a lot for me.....I think. Not sure what it really means though. I dont think its very accurate and I am not motivated by my counter. Heck there have been times in my illustrious writing carear when I was lucky to hit 10 a week. I just keep writing and posting I guess mostly for myself and the one or two special people who are drawn to my blog for their own reasons.

Actually, it was my mom who encouraged me to begin to journal. I have a number of faith stories that have happened to me, and my mom suggested I get them down in writing so as not to forget. Hahaha, I began to write my blog and I dont think I ever stopped to re-tell any of those stories....I really should.

Its fun to look back. Its interesting to see how ideas change and to see where one has been. So many memories.....good and bad.

I dont do facebook and I dont do twitter. I am not really interested in social networking. I just got stuff to say and I needed a place to say it. Blogspot has always worked for me and I figure if it aint broke......dont fix it. I've met a number of friends across this planet from my blogspot as well. It has seen me through many phases of life.

Oh. if you are reading this Hanni, I want to send you our love and best wishes. You are very special. I am not sure if you know or realize or acknowledge, but I see in you a love and wisdom and beauty that is a treasure for this world...my world. Its been a year since you sent me a letter. If you happen to be hangin out and feel like sending me a note, I sure would love that. I trust, hope and pray that you are well and that if you ever need a freind you can still count on me.

1 comment:

  1. I read regularly and enjoy trailing along to where your thoughts take you. Best wishes to you and yours for the new year!!



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