Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, May 02, 2011


Words can be comforting, but they can be deceitful. Words can sound powerful while they may be weak. Words can sound intelectual, covering over the truth. Words can be like daggers, yet underneath crying for love. Words are an outward apearance, a waving flag, a flashing light. Words can be carefully constructed, and contrived. Sometimes words merely tickle our ears. Talking heads, banging gongs and an incredible dancing bear, all lure our sensibilities to an empty cheese shop.

Actions speak louder than words. The quiet action, caught in time, by my unsuspecting eye, does much to measure a person. Genuine authenticity is the point where actions and words come from the same place. Dont tell me....show me. I should see your silent words through your actions. Action is where self and reality meet. Its either in tune or it is not. If your words match your actions then you are authentic. If your words do not match your actions, then you are in a state of confusion, denial or deceit.

I have learned that the person who yells the loudest, displays the most anger, or has the most convincing story, is usually the person with the most to hide. Genuine, authentic does not need to yell or even sound convincing. Genuine authentic just is and just does. The action of genuine authentic needs no fanfar or explanation....It just is and it just does. Genuine authentic does not have to prove anything because it just is and the proof they say is in the pudding.....mmmmmmm pudding. Choclate pudding....still warm.....mmmm pudding....just like mom made. Real genuine pudding....not the stuff that comes in a plastic container and says.......New Improved Flavour!!!

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