Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

how do I?

"how do I" copyright don wright 2012

A number of moons ago, my painting mentor suggested I creatively doodle and draw. The idea was to pour out ideas on paper and begin to refine and develop. Through this process, I have just been exploring ideas and themes. I have been trying to develop my own style, something that makes me unique. I am pleased and amused with line art drawing, but my mind has been thinking about color.

I have never had any practical training on painting. I have never even watched a painter paint. (other than that happy guy on Youtube) I jumped right in and began painting, and, making mistakes. Many mistakes I recognized and tried to correct, while others, I only see now. It was fun and necessary for me to jump right in, but when my mentor suggested I play with doodles for a while, I knew he was right.

I began my art journey November of 2009. That is almost 3 years! The critical side of me laughs. 3 years and you are only this far? One would have thought that within 3 years I would be off and running as a painter. I look at what Jimi Oskineegish and Randy Thomas had done in 3 years. I would have thought that within 3 years my art would have been much more mature. I still feel in my head that I dont have a clue on how to actually, methodically paint a painting.........and I laugh. Suddenly, I find joy in this.

I have been learning about time and how to measure it. For this reason, I tell that little critical voice in my head to shut up. Things unfold as they should. I grow as I grow and I learn as I learn, There is a beautiful cobblestone pathway that leads to the future. I get to travel that road and I get to experience things on my journey. I can see some of the future, but another part of me wants to bask in the present. I want to walk my journey...not run.

I am confused about monetary value. I guess I am privileged not to have to rely on my art as income. I get to do art for the sake of doing art. Its such a trip! It begins with a vague idea or a dream, and I watch with glee as it unfolds and develops by my hand. Sometime I wonder if it is my hand. Nonetheless, I get to play God on my paper. I get to feel how it feels to create. Our God is a creative God and sometimes I think His creation was for His own good pleasure. So it is when we create. There is a dream in the mind and it unfolds visually and then, when the creator is satisfied......it is done. That is one of the things that distinguishes art. The creator knows when it is finished and complete. At that moment, I sit back and bask in the glory of my creation......and then I do it again. These images sit around my place until suddenly they have another purpose.....They find their rightful owners. At that point, the creator gets to share his accomplishment with someone else. The person receiving the art feels very special, as each art piece speaks to them in some way. There is a great feeling to have something created for you that visualizes your experience or inner joy....tells a certain story. That art becomes medicine. Every time you look at that art, it reminds you, and builds you up. It adds beauty to your environment and creates a link with your memories.

My mentor has invited me to stay with him for a couple of days and paint. I will see first hand how a master paints. I know he will blush when reading this, but truly he is a master painter and expert guide. We will paint together. He will help me to understand how to turn these line art images into colorful paintings. Perhaps we can paint a couple paintings together. In this journey of a thousand steps, I feel like I have rounded a corner and there it is..........a thousand more steps. I smile. Its a beautiful day.
"smile its a beautiful day" don wright 2012

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