Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, November 09, 2012

oooops...is there something wrong with me?

Ok, so I think I might be a duffus. Last night I was singing a song and decided to change the lyrics a little. The song originally said "my favorite woman is 5'3" with long black hair and green eyes" I decided to sing it to my wife and change the words to "my favorite woman is 5'10" with Brown hair and blue eyes" My wife smiled and told me I got it wrong. I said...well I'm not really sure what color your hair is because its been a bunch of different colors. She smiled and said "you dont even know the color of my eyes"......ooops. She said.."my eyes are hazel"....what the heck is that? She told its like green. So, to avoid further problems, I'm going to edit the words of the song to "my favorite woman is 5'10" with brown hair and green eyes" Of course I was embarrassed  My wife said "I should let you keep my fishing license, that way you will know my credentials....hahaha. Now that makes sense.

How is it that I could love a girl all my life and be intimate with her for 30 years and not even know the color of her eyes? Have we not discussed this before? Surely I must have looked at her fishing license!

I remember losing my son at a Zellers store. The clerk asked me.....what was he wearing? I thought how should I know...or rather...I should know that answer...but I didnt. I vowed that I should always be observant of these details. A couple of months later I lost him at the Toronto Zoo and they asked the same darn question. Embarrassed I had to admit I didnt know what he was wearing. I dont even know what I wore yesterday and if you asked me what I was wearing today, I would have to look and then tell you.

It suddenly dawned on me...Its November...something happens in Nov. Yes My mother in law died on the day after remembrance day. I was introduced to the greatest depth of sorrow I had ever experienced and I still cry today. I have to quickly change the subject.....something else happens in Nov...yes..my brothers birthday. Nov 14. I must remember to contact him. If I forget mt sister will remind me and as a backup, facebook will remind me.

I am going grouse hunting first this saturday AM. I will spend the night in a cabin in the bush, and hunt again on my way out. I will gather a feast for my queen.....the queen with  hazel eyes.

1 comment:

Go ahead....Make my day!