I freind of mine was dying to know the names of these 2 worst books. She must be a real sucker for punishment.
Well here it is
1 An Introduction to the Old Testament by Dillard and Longman
2 A Biblical History of Isreal by Provan, Long and Longman
I felt kinda bad after my tyrade and give this all some further thought. It was fun trashing these books but they did serve their purpose.
I am not big on apologetics or understanding historical conflicts that differ from my understanding. I have taken the Word as truth by faith and frankly dont give a rats ass about trying to prove anything.
I am the kind of person who likes practical rather than theoretical. I dont want to sit and talk about stuff. I like to just do it. So the whole time I was reading all this argument, I was thinking about my freinds the crack addicts, my freinds with a broken homes, my freinds without parents, my freinds that are lost without understanding of God.
While its easy for me to scorn the educated or the historical researchers, I guess we owe some gratitude for what they have accomplished. I guess it is important for me to see that there are many differing opinions regarding our God and our history. I guess it is important that a certain group of people have decided to make a life long persuit to put all these descrepencies into a context we can study or try to understand. I guess they stand in the background and serve as a foundation for people who work the streets for the gospel. I guess we all arent scholars. I know I'm not.
So in a sick sense, these books set out to accomplish their task. I have a greater understanding now of their importance in the grand scheme of things. While I would have prefered to look at the Old Testament passages and stories themselves, I guess I need to be thankful for the broader overview on conflict of thought regarding the Old Testament.
So there it is. I swallowed my pride and accept this phase of my teaching as useful and important. Despite my objections with the books, my Prof Mark Boda remains an important teacher to me.
I had the good fortune to meet with my Old Testament Prof from Bible College at a party. These 2 fellows are so different and yet they are so alike. Both men have this passion for the Old Testament that I now consider to be personally uplifting and have served to ignite and retain my love for Gods word.
So there it is... a retraction of sorts
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