Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Sunday, November 20, 2005

UnWanted Dead or Alive

Ok so I've finally finished reading my Old Testament Course text requirements.

I have to say, without a doubt, that these were the worst 2 books I ever read! So both of these books definately get the golden raspberry awards. If you ever see either of these books on a book shelf, I would recommend you quickly exit the library. I dont think I'd even recommend going back for youer belongings.

If these books were a color, they would be the color of puke. If they were an emeotion, they would be bordom. If they were a ship they would be sunk. If they were treasures, they should be buried in a place that not even a plumber would find.

I have a vision of hell, whereby Don misses the blessings and gets sent to Hades only to be greated by an old librarian holding 15 copies of each.

If I went to the doc he might say, Don I have good news and bad news.First the bad news....you have one week to live. Now the good news....I'm going to perscribe that you read these 2 books. It will make the one week seem like eternity.......no thanks, I'll just take the death right now. Oh and if you wouldnt mind, death by hot pockers in the eyes sounds more pleasant than another sentence from either of these 2 books.

Since they make such a big deal about plagerism these days, be it known that I will never quote from either of these books as long as I live.

And thats all I have to say about that....I'm gonna go back a read Leviticus again and try and get the pleasure back in my life.



  1. Don, I'm proud of you for finishing your reading. I'm still working on it. But your review doesn't make me want to keep reading. It has been pretty tough slugging hasn't it?

    Just think - you can start writing your paper now!

  2. Don... Here is a version of hell even Dante himself could not have conjured... Imagine getting your PhD in Old Testament and having to WRITE the very books you have likened to the colour puke... what kind of people are these authors?


Go ahead....Make my day!