Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation
Saturday, February 25, 2006
A Wedding Today

Friday, February 24, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
If a Tree Falls in the Forest......
This is too wierd. I posted this "GIF" on my page....the turd that is standing on the side of the road, and the cars just keep passing him by. When I go to another page and come back, the cars are still passing. So I shut my computer down and started it up and there they were. Endless cars passing this poor turd. So I decide to trick it and I drive 1 hour to work, start up my machine, dial in my URL and there they are....endless cars passing this poor turd. So I shut down, come home and there they are again. I am willing to bet, that if I go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow, the cars will still be passing that poor turd. ...This is too wierd. Its making me tired just thinking about it. I feel like removing the post just to give them all a rest. I'm wondering if I can get someone to write a new one, where a car actually pulls over and picks up that poor turd.....Maybe I have too much time on my hands...I'm going to bed and dream about sheep jumping fences, or hmmmmm I wonder...If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody there to hear it...does it still make a sound......If a man talks and his wife is not there to hear him...is he still wrong....so many questions
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Just another Turd, looking for a toilet
I'm just another turd,
looking for a toilet
Just another turd, looking for a rest
I'm just another turd
If ya got water,
ya better boilit
I'm just another turd, being put to the test
Monday, February 20, 2006
Every Journey Begins with a Single Step!
I have a freind that is beginning a journey. It is easy to get discouraged when you look at the big picture. When you stop and consider how far one needs to travel, or how hard the task is at hand, one can get overwhelmed. I know this. My Journey began somewhere around 2000. Here I am 2006 and I'm not even half way! I have chosen to regard the journey as many individual steps. Each step we take, gets us one step closer to the goal. Some steps are easy, while some steps are much harder. When faced with a difficult step, I reflect back saying, thank goodness all the steps are not this hard. Thus the title of my blog. Every day is a new day, which takes us one step closer to tommorrow. The AA and the NA saying is "One Day at a Time". Sometimes thats all we can get the strength to do....and if or when we fail, it is easier to get back up and try again.
I happen to beleive in my friend. I beleive she has what it takes to make the journey. I have faith and confidence in her ability. I know she can achieve her dream. How do I know it? Cause I know her. She is bright and intelligent and knows a thing or two about how to look after herself. She is a survivor and she is an inspiration to me. When She reaches her goal, she will look back and say...WOW that was hard, but I am so much better for it! She will be proud of herself when she looks at what she has accomplished.
I have so many friends that have overcome odds and achieved a goal or a dream. I constantly remind myself this when I hit the brick wall in my own life. I am thankful for all the people who have made the journey and succeeded with their goals.
So here is to my friend. You go girl. You chase your dream. Hunt it down and never let it go. You will make it and you will suceed with flying colours. If you fall, just get back up again. I am reminded of Superchick Lyrics......
I happen to beleive in my friend. I beleive she has what it takes to make the journey. I have faith and confidence in her ability. I know she can achieve her dream. How do I know it? Cause I know her. She is bright and intelligent and knows a thing or two about how to look after herself. She is a survivor and she is an inspiration to me. When She reaches her goal, she will look back and say...WOW that was hard, but I am so much better for it! She will be proud of herself when she looks at what she has accomplished.
I have so many friends that have overcome odds and achieved a goal or a dream. I constantly remind myself this when I hit the brick wall in my own life. I am thankful for all the people who have made the journey and succeeded with their goals.
So here is to my friend. You go girl. You chase your dream. Hunt it down and never let it go. You will make it and you will suceed with flying colours. If you fall, just get back up again. I am reminded of Superchick Lyrics......
Get Up
I'm not afraid to fall
It means I climbed up high
To fall is not to fail
You fail when you don't try
I'm not afraid to fall
I might just learn to fly
And I will spread these wings of mine
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up c'mon
If I get up I might fall back down again
But we get up anyway
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up c'mon
If I get up I might fall back down again
I might fall back down again
But we'll just jump and see
Even if it's the 20th time
We'll just jump and see if we can Fly
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Pie Auction
We had a pot luck dinner and a pie auction today. I ended up with three pies. One pie I gave to a friend, and the other two ended being the best two pies I have ever tasted!
Pie number one: Lemon/Lime made with real friut and cream. Unbeleivable. That pie was the pie bargain of the evening!
Pie number two: Pumpkin pie with whip cream. OMG...best punpkin pie I ever had. The pumkin filling instead of being like goop, it was almost like cake. That my friends was bargain pie number two.
On the other end of the scale, some people payed $100.00 for a Pam N original Apple Pie. Works of art indeed!
The pies were sold to help raise funds for the Mission trip to Mississippi.
I went there with specific instructions from my daughter, to be prepared to buy some pies.
Oh ya, I told this really bad pie joke.
Where do you weigh yourself?: a bathroom weigh scale
Where do you weigh a truck?: a vehicle weigh station
Where do you weigh a pie...............................................
Somewhere, over the rainbow,
weigh a pie
Pie number one: Lemon/Lime made with real friut and cream. Unbeleivable. That pie was the pie bargain of the evening!
Pie number two: Pumpkin pie with whip cream. OMG...best punpkin pie I ever had. The pumkin filling instead of being like goop, it was almost like cake. That my friends was bargain pie number two.
On the other end of the scale, some people payed $100.00 for a Pam N original Apple Pie. Works of art indeed!
The pies were sold to help raise funds for the Mission trip to Mississippi.
I went there with specific instructions from my daughter, to be prepared to buy some pies.
Oh ya, I told this really bad pie joke.
Where do you weigh yourself?: a bathroom weigh scale
Where do you weigh a truck?: a vehicle weigh station
Where do you weigh a pie...............................................
Somewhere, over the rainbow,
weigh a pie
Friday, February 17, 2006
I Feel Like Such a Turd
I feel like such a turd! I had a 6:00am meeting with Pastor Jake this morning and I missed it. I guess I left him sitting there by himself waiting for me. That is so embarrassing! I feel like a turd. Although I have an excuse, its really just an excuse. My excuse doesnt change the fact that I left him there twiddling his thumbs. When I raced into the restaurant, the waitress told me I missed him by 30 seconds....doh. Jake if you read this I am sorry.
So what did I learn................
1. I need an alarm clock in the house that does not require AC power to operate
2. I need a radio that runs on batteries
3. I need matches readily available and beside candles
4. I need to find my emergency flashlite
5. I need to remember to always have dry firewood beside the fireplace
6. I need to run a bath and leave water in the tub at the suggestion of foul weather
7. I need to reflect on the importance of being on time for meetings
8. I need to learn to show more grace to others
I read a blog yesterday from a Pastor in Florida. He was talking about how difficult and frustrating it was for him to meet with his parisheners. He was talking about the difficulties of providing pastoral care in a world that demands advance notice of meetings. I read that blog yesterday and considered the difficulties faced by our own staff at EVAC. I considered the difficulties of managing an organization based largely on volunteers and private lifestyles.
Well all the pondering DID NOT help me to respect Jakes time. Excuse or not, I feel like a turd.
I especially feel like a turd, because I demand respect for my own time. I get very angry when people dont respect my time. Now as I consider the fact that Jake sat there waiting from 6am to 6:45 I feel shame. I need to remember this occasion next time someone is late for a meeting that I organize.
If you are reading this blog, Jake, I am truly sorry.
So what did I learn................
1. I need an alarm clock in the house that does not require AC power to operate
2. I need a radio that runs on batteries
3. I need matches readily available and beside candles
4. I need to find my emergency flashlite
5. I need to remember to always have dry firewood beside the fireplace
6. I need to run a bath and leave water in the tub at the suggestion of foul weather
7. I need to reflect on the importance of being on time for meetings
8. I need to learn to show more grace to others
I read a blog yesterday from a Pastor in Florida. He was talking about how difficult and frustrating it was for him to meet with his parisheners. He was talking about the difficulties of providing pastoral care in a world that demands advance notice of meetings. I read that blog yesterday and considered the difficulties faced by our own staff at EVAC. I considered the difficulties of managing an organization based largely on volunteers and private lifestyles.
Well all the pondering DID NOT help me to respect Jakes time. Excuse or not, I feel like a turd.
I especially feel like a turd, because I demand respect for my own time. I get very angry when people dont respect my time. Now as I consider the fact that Jake sat there waiting from 6am to 6:45 I feel shame. I need to remember this occasion next time someone is late for a meeting that I organize.
If you are reading this blog, Jake, I am truly sorry.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Biblical Interpretation
I am taking this really cool class on Biblical Interprepation at Canadian Theological Seminary. My professor is Dr. Mark Boda. We have just finished our first segment of the class and now I have a month of independant studies. I must say, I prefer the in class portion over the independant studies.
I have a new appreciation for the Holy Bible and how to read and interpret. It can be a very challenging process.....if done right.
One thing that stuck out from the class was this small subtle example.
God called it upon Lukes heart to write a Gospel to the Gentiles. As such, Lukes writings were focused on a Gentile audience. He quotes Jesus who was talking to and focusing on a Jewish audience. Now here we are reading this material and trying to apply it to our own lives.
When we read the account of the Good Samaritan for example, we want to apply Jesus' very words that were intended for His Jewish audience to ourselves today. In the meantime, the actual author of Luke might be trying to tell us something slightly different.
When I recall my own reaction, it was one of scorn for the Jewish people who did not stop to help the person in need. I got this impression by reading the passage as it was written, forgetting who penned the passage and for what audience. When I stop and read the passage as written by Luke, for the gentiles, I see something slightly different. While Jesus words remain true, I now have a different perspective. Through the eyes of Luke, I now see a building up or a praise for the gentile who stopped to help the person in need. My feeling has turned from scorn of the people who did not react correctly to the situation, to praise for the Samaritan who did.
Dr Boda told us it was kinda like a theatre. While the play was going on, Luke was sitting on the first level balcony observing and reporting to us. We are on the top balcony and we can see Luke OK but seeing the stage is a little harder. So we in a sense are understanding the play, as relayed to us by someone that has a better view of the play itself.
The Good Samaritan story is a very subtle example of this interpretation challenge. Jesus words are true. Lukes words are true. Both accounts must be taken into consideration when attempting to apply this truth to our lives.
When I have the opportunity and responsibilty of teaching on a passage like this, it is very important that I consider this fact, otherwise I am only scratching the surface. Whats worse, I could be misleading my people, or attempting to apply a biblical truth in an incorrect way.
I need to remember that now my audience will walk away considering what I have said about something Luke said about something Jesus said.
Lord, thank You for your revelation of truth. Thank You that you inspired people then and continue to inspire people today. Lord help me to guard against misunderstanding or mis interpretation of Your Word. Lord I pray that I will be able to conform to Your Word, rather than Your Word conforming to my desire to make a point about something. Help me Lord to be a faithful steward of Your life giving Word. In Jesus name I pray
I have a new appreciation for the Holy Bible and how to read and interpret. It can be a very challenging process.....if done right.
One thing that stuck out from the class was this small subtle example.
God called it upon Lukes heart to write a Gospel to the Gentiles. As such, Lukes writings were focused on a Gentile audience. He quotes Jesus who was talking to and focusing on a Jewish audience. Now here we are reading this material and trying to apply it to our own lives.
When we read the account of the Good Samaritan for example, we want to apply Jesus' very words that were intended for His Jewish audience to ourselves today. In the meantime, the actual author of Luke might be trying to tell us something slightly different.
When I recall my own reaction, it was one of scorn for the Jewish people who did not stop to help the person in need. I got this impression by reading the passage as it was written, forgetting who penned the passage and for what audience. When I stop and read the passage as written by Luke, for the gentiles, I see something slightly different. While Jesus words remain true, I now have a different perspective. Through the eyes of Luke, I now see a building up or a praise for the gentile who stopped to help the person in need. My feeling has turned from scorn of the people who did not react correctly to the situation, to praise for the Samaritan who did.
Dr Boda told us it was kinda like a theatre. While the play was going on, Luke was sitting on the first level balcony observing and reporting to us. We are on the top balcony and we can see Luke OK but seeing the stage is a little harder. So we in a sense are understanding the play, as relayed to us by someone that has a better view of the play itself.
The Good Samaritan story is a very subtle example of this interpretation challenge. Jesus words are true. Lukes words are true. Both accounts must be taken into consideration when attempting to apply this truth to our lives.
When I have the opportunity and responsibilty of teaching on a passage like this, it is very important that I consider this fact, otherwise I am only scratching the surface. Whats worse, I could be misleading my people, or attempting to apply a biblical truth in an incorrect way.
I need to remember that now my audience will walk away considering what I have said about something Luke said about something Jesus said.
Lord, thank You for your revelation of truth. Thank You that you inspired people then and continue to inspire people today. Lord help me to guard against misunderstanding or mis interpretation of Your Word. Lord I pray that I will be able to conform to Your Word, rather than Your Word conforming to my desire to make a point about something. Help me Lord to be a faithful steward of Your life giving Word. In Jesus name I pray
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Horns of a Dilemna...ooops spelled wrong
Thursday night was the first night for my Biblical Interpretation class. I was really looking forward to this class.
Well I woke up with a splitting headache. I couldnt shake it. All day at work I heard from people who said...brace yourself....the flu is on its way. Seems the latest flu going around begins with an unshakeable headache. So I was concerned.
If I went to the first class, I would be committed financially to the course. If I did not go to class, then I would not be financially committed. Now if I went to class and then got the flu, chances were good that I would miss friday and saturday, which would have been a very difficult thing to over come. If I skipped the class and woke up sick, I could drop the class and protect my $800.00 fee. If I woke up feeling great, chances are I could still attend the rest of the classes without missing too much.
So, I went home to bed. I slept for 12 hours straight. I woke up feeling like a million bucks! In hind site, I wish I went Thursady night headache and all, but I didnt so tough...get over it.
Its hard to second guess Murphy...... hahaha
Interpretation class was amazing! Its going to be a great class...uh except the work load. Here we go again! I have another 500 page book that must be read within a month. Never mind. I have proven to myself that I can do this so I say...bring it on.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I woke up with a splitting headache. I couldnt shake it. All day at work I heard from people who said...brace yourself....the flu is on its way. Seems the latest flu going around begins with an unshakeable headache. So I was concerned.
If I went to the first class, I would be committed financially to the course. If I did not go to class, then I would not be financially committed. Now if I went to class and then got the flu, chances were good that I would miss friday and saturday, which would have been a very difficult thing to over come. If I skipped the class and woke up sick, I could drop the class and protect my $800.00 fee. If I woke up feeling great, chances are I could still attend the rest of the classes without missing too much.
So, I went home to bed. I slept for 12 hours straight. I woke up feeling like a million bucks! In hind site, I wish I went Thursady night headache and all, but I didnt so tough...get over it.
Its hard to second guess Murphy...... hahaha
Interpretation class was amazing! Its going to be a great class...uh except the work load. Here we go again! I have another 500 page book that must be read within a month. Never mind. I have proven to myself that I can do this so I say...bring it on.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hip Hip Horray
Hip Hip Horray!!!!!!!!!
I got my marks from Old Testament Foundations. I did extremely well. I did better than I could have hope or dreamed. Overall I got 83.5 on the course. I got 84 on my essay! I am so thrilled, excited and grateful! It was a very tough course. It was a lot of work and I put a lot of effort into it. It is so gratifying to see results for hard labour. I say.................Hip Hip Horray and Praise the Lord Almighty!
I got my marks from Old Testament Foundations. I did extremely well. I did better than I could have hope or dreamed. Overall I got 83.5 on the course. I got 84 on my essay! I am so thrilled, excited and grateful! It was a very tough course. It was a lot of work and I put a lot of effort into it. It is so gratifying to see results for hard labour. I say.................Hip Hip Horray and Praise the Lord Almighty!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
What is Meant by "Created in Gods Image"?
Genesis 1
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis 5
1 This is the written account of Adam's line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.
Genesis 9
6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.
James 3
9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
I contend, that we were made by God to honor and glorify God. We were made in His image, that we might continue and maintain a relationship with Him. We were made by Him and for Him.
I have heard it said that deep within us all is a God shaped vaccuum. That is the spot within our souls that is meant for God. As the analogy goes, we try to fill that spot with many things, because no one wants to feel hungry or empty within. We try possessions, drugs, alcohol, material things, alternate understandings, religions, etc... to fill that void. Nothing works until we accept that that spot is for God. We are drawn to Him because we were made by Him and for Him.
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis 5
1 This is the written account of Adam's line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.
Genesis 9
6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.
James 3
9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
I contend, that we were made by God to honor and glorify God. We were made in His image, that we might continue and maintain a relationship with Him. We were made by Him and for Him.
I have heard it said that deep within us all is a God shaped vaccuum. That is the spot within our souls that is meant for God. As the analogy goes, we try to fill that spot with many things, because no one wants to feel hungry or empty within. We try possessions, drugs, alcohol, material things, alternate understandings, religions, etc... to fill that void. Nothing works until we accept that that spot is for God. We are drawn to Him because we were made by Him and for Him.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
athiest and agnostic...part 2
An Athiest says "there is no God. God does not exist" They make an absolute statement. An agnostic says "its not possible to prove that God does or does not exist" Some make this absolute statement, while others simply say "maybe yes, maybe no...who cares"
Romans 1:20-21 says "For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities-His eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
God has placed an inate knowledge of Himself within us all. We were created in His image, by the work of His will. Every person, be it athiest or agnostic or believer, has seen the works of His hands. Every person has said....hmmm, I wonder.
The athiest and the agnostic have seen the works of His hands in creation and have made a decision. The decision they have made is to reject God. I contend, that deep in their hearts, they know of the existance of God. They are merely choosing to deny God the honor and glory he deserves.
Deep in the heart of every athiest and agnostic, is this inate desire to understand the origins of the world, and the origins of their being. While they outwardly claim these outlandish claims, inwardly they seek the peace and contentment that God alone provides. They cant help it, because thats the way the great engineer made us.
I was once told by a slick salesmen to watch for the sign "no soliciting" I was told that that was fertile ground to make the sale. So it is with athiests and agnostics. Deep inside, they are lonely and troubled people seeking meaning. Their outward stance is merely a sign saying "no soliciting"
Romans 1:20-21 says "For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities-His eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
God has placed an inate knowledge of Himself within us all. We were created in His image, by the work of His will. Every person, be it athiest or agnostic or believer, has seen the works of His hands. Every person has said....hmmm, I wonder.
The athiest and the agnostic have seen the works of His hands in creation and have made a decision. The decision they have made is to reject God. I contend, that deep in their hearts, they know of the existance of God. They are merely choosing to deny God the honor and glory he deserves.
Deep in the heart of every athiest and agnostic, is this inate desire to understand the origins of the world, and the origins of their being. While they outwardly claim these outlandish claims, inwardly they seek the peace and contentment that God alone provides. They cant help it, because thats the way the great engineer made us.
I was once told by a slick salesmen to watch for the sign "no soliciting" I was told that that was fertile ground to make the sale. So it is with athiests and agnostics. Deep inside, they are lonely and troubled people seeking meaning. Their outward stance is merely a sign saying "no soliciting"
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
There is no such thing as an athiest!
So here is a quick hit statement. There is no such thing as an athiest! I beleive that an athiest is merely someone who knows there is a God, but denies His existance, to explain, pacify or rationalize his/her own wickedness and disobedience. WOW. How about that? Do you agree or disagree. I have some more thoughts but I'm getting kicked out of my office so I'll continue later.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Sabbath Day of Rest
Well normally I like to have down time on Sunday. I like to go to church in the morning and have a quiet peaceful remander of the day. Well not today. You see I took my sabbath day yeasterday. I did not feel motivated to do the things I was supposed to do on Saturday. I spent most of the day in bed drifting in and out of consciousness. My back was killing me and I just decided that I would rest. It was a wonderful rest..BUT..now here we are on Sunday and I got a ton of stuff to do. I need to get off this stupid computer, get dressed and march my butt to church. Actually I am really looking forward to church today! Due to a labor dispute we've been kicked out of our usual location and are holding service in a cafeteria. I could care less where we have church really. I'd be happy even if we held it in a barn. I know that where we are praising, God will be sure to be there. We can sing, and pray, and talk, and fellowship, and share and learn just about anywhere. I am thankful for that. I'm also thankful for the freedom we have. Not only freedom in a society sense, but also freedom from our own expectations of where we should worship. Hey wouldnt it be cool if we held church in a different place every Sunday. We could worship in the arena, in Rob Roy tavern, the cafeterian, the old public school gym known as main place. I guess we are somewhat limited due to to the size now of our congregation.
Any way, I'm still on this stupid computer and everyone wants to go. We need donuts and coffee. bye for now and enjoy your time with God. I doesnt matter where you worship....just as long as you do.
Any way, I'm still on this stupid computer and everyone wants to go. We need donuts and coffee. bye for now and enjoy your time with God. I doesnt matter where you worship....just as long as you do.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Excellent Week 2 Alpha
So today we had our second week for Alpha at Acton Leathertown Tavern. One person did not return, however one new person came, so our number remains at 12. Dinner was great. We had Caeser salad, spagetti with meat sause and chicken. We got started pretty much on time and kept a good timely pace to the evening and ended smack dab at 9:00pm. This time we broke into 2 small groups. Mike led one group and I led the other. We studyed "Why did Jesus have to die?" We examined sin and how that sin can easily keep us in bondage. We discussed the freedom we gain when confess this sin to God. We understood the fact that all of us fall short of Gods glory. We discussed the wages of sin equalling death, or eternal seperation with God. We discussed the free gift of God in and through Jesus Christ. Ron and I cvhatted for about an hour after word and compared notes. Ron was participating in the other group. He said there discussions went very well. He said that Mike did a great job at his first time leading this type of discussion group. Mike is skilled at leading small groups and bible studys, but Alpha is just a tad bit different. He said afterward that he felt comfortable and rather enjoyed this style of discussion group. Ron and I were both sharing how discussion can be fun as one comment leads to another. You end up going places you never imagined, yet within the context of the topic amizingly valid. We explored the same issues in different ways. Ron said it would be cool to tape each groups discussions, so we could enjoy them too. We laughed. I look forward to next week....and now I look forward to bed.
oh just a quick prayer.
Dear God
Thankyou for this evening.
Thank you that Your presence could be felt.Lord I Thankyou for stirring the hearts of our guests and for the opportunity to share You with them.Lord I thank yuo how they are a blessing to me, and how we are all a blessing to each other. Father I am constantly reminded of the pain and struggles of this world. So, I praise you for the opportunity to forget such things and just enjoy the presence and friendship of these fine people. Father I pray that you will continue care for and protect us, as we learn what it means to love You. In Jesus precious name.amen
oh just a quick prayer.
Dear God
Thankyou for this evening.
Thank you that Your presence could be felt.Lord I Thankyou for stirring the hearts of our guests and for the opportunity to share You with them.Lord I thank yuo how they are a blessing to me, and how we are all a blessing to each other. Father I am constantly reminded of the pain and struggles of this world. So, I praise you for the opportunity to forget such things and just enjoy the presence and friendship of these fine people. Father I pray that you will continue care for and protect us, as we learn what it means to love You. In Jesus precious name.amen
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