What an awesome opportunity this is to share the gospel with other people. I enjoyed this evening as much as the first time I took the course. After doing the course now 6 or 7 times you would think it would be getting dull...but NO! Everytime we do the course, there is a completely new dynamic. Completely new conversations and discussions. Completely different relationships. It is a very rewarding course, both for those that take it, but also those who go on to lead.
We just finished week 2 of our 2nd session at Acton Leathertown Tavern. We ended up with 14 participant/helpers. Richard and Mary Ellen are leading. This is super experience for both as they plan to move into full time ministry. I am a helper. We have a number of others that are helper/training. They have wonderful hearts for God and will help to build an excellent foundation as this course and its impact continue to grow and evolve. We are all very excited to see where God leads us.
HaHaHa, funny thing, we have adopted a new method of prayer. It is an eyes wide open approach. We wanted to be able to pray, yet did not want to be unwelcoming to new guests as they arrive, or to other patrons of the bar that may come over to talk. It was akward to pray as someone would come up and say..oh ssssh, uh im sorry, uh i didnt realize you were praying..uh excuse me etc. We didnt want to be deep in prayer as guests arrive as this would cause embarrasement to them. We thought about going and standing outside, but there is a bar patio out there and that would be equally akward.Kitchen and bathrooms are definately out. So today we tried the prayer incognito natural approach. It was really cool. I dont know why I am surprised about that. I mean I pray alone with my eyes open all the time. I pray when I'm driving, I pray when I'm walking. Why is it that when we pray together, we close our eyes?
Well not tonight. It was actually really cool. Looking at each other in the eyes as we prayed did something to reassure me that these new found friends are genuine. The eyes are the window to the soul and praying people have lovely eyes!
I pray for Gerry who did not show up tonight and that he finds peace from his lonliness. I pray for Amy who did not make it and I pray that God would continue to reveal Himself to her. I pray for Mama Violet who normally serves us our meals. I pray God will give her strength and peace during her time off. I pray for all the participants in this Alpha course and pray that God will be glorified. I pray that we might remain willing vessals and that God would use us just the way He desires and that we will have ears to hear and the courage to obey. Lord God, merciful and mighty, please hear my prayer.
Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Holy God?Unfortunate Accident?Misunderstanding?
2 Samuel 6
Peril in Moving the Ark
1(A)Now David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.
2And David arose and went with all the people who were with him to (B)Baale-judah, to bring up from there the ark of God which is called by the (C)Name, the very name of the LORD of hosts who (D)is enthroned above the cherubim.
3They placed the ark of God on (E)a new cart that they might bring it from the house of Abinadab which was on the hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, were leading the new cart.
4So (F)they brought it with the ark of God from the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill; and Ahio was walking ahead of the ark.
5Meanwhile, David and all the house of Israel (G)were celebrating before the LORD (H)with all kinds of instruments made of fir wood, and with lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets and cymbals.
6But when they came to the (I)threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah (J)reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it.
7And the anger of the LORD burned against Uzzah, and (K)God struck him down there for his irreverence; and he died there by the ark of God.
8David became angry because of the LORD'S outburst against Uzzah, and that place is called [a]Perez-uzzah to this day.
9So (L)David was afraid of the LORD that day; and he said, "How can the ark of the LORD come to me?"
10And David was unwilling to move the ark of the LORD into the city of David with him; but David took it aside to the house of (M)Obed-edom the Gittite.
11Thus the ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months, and the LORD (N)blessed Obed-edom and all his household.
Seems a little harsh to strike down Uzzah like that. After all, he was merely trying to steady the cart so that the Arc would not fall. Surely those were honorable intentions. Why would God call this irreverent? Why would Gods anger burn against Uzzah and then why would He strike him down? Yikes. It like a lose lose situation. If You think He was pissed at that, what would have happened if the Arc fell? Yikes, Yikes!Run for the hills!
Could it be because Uzzah merely touched this holy object? Could it be an accumulation of events culminating with this final act of "irreverence"? Could it be because God had given orders that this Arc of the Covenant was to be carried on the shoulders of Levites, not in a cart dragged by an ox? Was Uzzah a levite? Had God given the orders to be moved or was that someone elses idea?
What does this tell you about God? Was David right to be angry at God? Was David right to be afraid of God? I picture David....."Ok God, so we were singing and dancing and have a great time when all of a sudden, out of the blue, for no apparent reason, You struch down Uzzah. I was planning on bringing You back to my place Lord, but now I'm thinking that might not be such a good idea!"
Whether I like it or not, this is the God I serve. This is the God I praise. This is the King of the universe! This is the God who lifts me up through Jesus Christ, so that I may stand blameless before Him. If it werent for Jesus, I would be there with Uzzah. Struck down for my irreverence to a holy God. Thank You for Your mercy, oh Lord.
Peril in Moving the Ark
1(A)Now David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.
2And David arose and went with all the people who were with him to (B)Baale-judah, to bring up from there the ark of God which is called by the (C)Name, the very name of the LORD of hosts who (D)is enthroned above the cherubim.
3They placed the ark of God on (E)a new cart that they might bring it from the house of Abinadab which was on the hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, were leading the new cart.
4So (F)they brought it with the ark of God from the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill; and Ahio was walking ahead of the ark.
5Meanwhile, David and all the house of Israel (G)were celebrating before the LORD (H)with all kinds of instruments made of fir wood, and with lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets and cymbals.
6But when they came to the (I)threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah (J)reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it.
7And the anger of the LORD burned against Uzzah, and (K)God struck him down there for his irreverence; and he died there by the ark of God.
8David became angry because of the LORD'S outburst against Uzzah, and that place is called [a]Perez-uzzah to this day.
9So (L)David was afraid of the LORD that day; and he said, "How can the ark of the LORD come to me?"
10And David was unwilling to move the ark of the LORD into the city of David with him; but David took it aside to the house of (M)Obed-edom the Gittite.
11Thus the ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months, and the LORD (N)blessed Obed-edom and all his household.
Seems a little harsh to strike down Uzzah like that. After all, he was merely trying to steady the cart so that the Arc would not fall. Surely those were honorable intentions. Why would God call this irreverent? Why would Gods anger burn against Uzzah and then why would He strike him down? Yikes. It like a lose lose situation. If You think He was pissed at that, what would have happened if the Arc fell? Yikes, Yikes!Run for the hills!
Could it be because Uzzah merely touched this holy object? Could it be an accumulation of events culminating with this final act of "irreverence"? Could it be because God had given orders that this Arc of the Covenant was to be carried on the shoulders of Levites, not in a cart dragged by an ox? Was Uzzah a levite? Had God given the orders to be moved or was that someone elses idea?
What does this tell you about God? Was David right to be angry at God? Was David right to be afraid of God? I picture David....."Ok God, so we were singing and dancing and have a great time when all of a sudden, out of the blue, for no apparent reason, You struch down Uzzah. I was planning on bringing You back to my place Lord, but now I'm thinking that might not be such a good idea!"
Whether I like it or not, this is the God I serve. This is the God I praise. This is the King of the universe! This is the God who lifts me up through Jesus Christ, so that I may stand blameless before Him. If it werent for Jesus, I would be there with Uzzah. Struck down for my irreverence to a holy God. Thank You for Your mercy, oh Lord.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Anniversary Party Weekend

There was much to celebrate this weekend.
My friends Patti and Barry celebrated their 1st anniversary and Sue and I celebrated our 22. It was Barry's 50th birthday as well. We also have a relative from Germany visiting my brother in law down the road. It was also 2 weeks since the last Wanker Deluxe practice...so....we had many reasons to celebrate! We had a house full of guitars and played until the wee hours. Patti and Barry towed their trailer up and set it up in our yard. They leave the trailer here during the summer. They live in an apartment in Guelph and use my place as a getaway. We had a few BarB Qs this weekend and had several guests. My neices were over and jumped in the pool even though its not ready yet. 56 degrees! oh well, they laughed and laughed and splashed and splashed. Its easy to be brave when the hottub is 104!
Went to church with Ron today in Acton. Wonderful service and nice friendly people. I got to go say bye to Patti and Barry....see ya
Thursday, May 25, 2006
District 4 Rugby Champs

District 4 Rugby Champs! Undefeated season! 24-0 against Fergus. These boys rule. Quite a game tonight. Blood, Guts, Glory. Victory is sweet! Dylan has a torn rotator cup and my have to go in for surgery......uh....after CWOSSA on Tuesday. First District4, then CWOSSA then the world..oh and then the surgery table. Sue secretly dreams about this being the one that retires him. This is a difficult game for mothers. ,,,,at least thats what Sue says.
So Many Reason to be Thankful
Today is my anniversary. Sue and I have been married for 22 years! I can hardly beleive it. I love her more and more each day. It seems like yesterday when we were married. Time flies so fast! what do they say?...ah yes...time flies when you are having fun.
Last night was opening night of Alpha at Leathertown Tavern. I had turned over the reigns to my friends Richard and Mary Ellen for a number of reasons. Richard and Mary Ellen both took the course last term and are now leading. I see in our midst now, more people with a heart and passion for God with leadership skills. We also have a nice blend of christians and non christians. I am excited! I am especially excited for the 2 seekers who came. I am praying that they return!
A fellow who had too much to drink came to Richard and confided that he was drunk because his wife just left him. He asked if he could join us for the rest of the course beginning next Wed. He said he wouldnt take part this time because of his drunkeness, but sat quietly on the outskirts and watched the movie. I pray that he comes next week. Despite so many recommendations to leave this place, I think we must stay. If Gerry comes next week and then completes the course, he may very well establish a relationship with God. If this is the case, then all the effort and discomfort will be worth it!
I have been experiencing chest pain. I have been to the doc and all the tests said that I was OK. Thats easy to say, but I dont beleive it. I asked for a specific test on my heart and received that yesterday. 5 Hours of tests! They put some radioactive stuff in me through intraveneous, and I had to do a bunch of excercise. They took pics and data. I was hooked up to wires and computers. I will find out the results in 2 weeks. Maybe I've just been reading too many Readers Digest articles or maybe I'm turning hypochondriac or something.
Dylans high school rugby team plays Fergus tonight for the finals. The Erin District High School simply has the best senior boys rugby team in our district. Erin is a town of 3000 people. These boys have been creaming teams from cities with 20,000 plus. This is quite an accomplishment! They are simply stronger, faster and better than the others. So far this year they are undefeated. Go Erin Go. I will be yelling this at 7pm 2nite!
Last night was opening night of Alpha at Leathertown Tavern. I had turned over the reigns to my friends Richard and Mary Ellen for a number of reasons. Richard and Mary Ellen both took the course last term and are now leading. I see in our midst now, more people with a heart and passion for God with leadership skills. We also have a nice blend of christians and non christians. I am excited! I am especially excited for the 2 seekers who came. I am praying that they return!
A fellow who had too much to drink came to Richard and confided that he was drunk because his wife just left him. He asked if he could join us for the rest of the course beginning next Wed. He said he wouldnt take part this time because of his drunkeness, but sat quietly on the outskirts and watched the movie. I pray that he comes next week. Despite so many recommendations to leave this place, I think we must stay. If Gerry comes next week and then completes the course, he may very well establish a relationship with God. If this is the case, then all the effort and discomfort will be worth it!
I have been experiencing chest pain. I have been to the doc and all the tests said that I was OK. Thats easy to say, but I dont beleive it. I asked for a specific test on my heart and received that yesterday. 5 Hours of tests! They put some radioactive stuff in me through intraveneous, and I had to do a bunch of excercise. They took pics and data. I was hooked up to wires and computers. I will find out the results in 2 weeks. Maybe I've just been reading too many Readers Digest articles or maybe I'm turning hypochondriac or something.
Dylans high school rugby team plays Fergus tonight for the finals. The Erin District High School simply has the best senior boys rugby team in our district. Erin is a town of 3000 people. These boys have been creaming teams from cities with 20,000 plus. This is quite an accomplishment! They are simply stronger, faster and better than the others. So far this year they are undefeated. Go Erin Go. I will be yelling this at 7pm 2nite!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Praying for a Friend
I have a friend who never finished school. She decided to go back and finish. I know how hard that is. She has been studying hard with a pretty aggressive course load. Everything is now coming due and she has been studying like a trooper. Tommorrow is her first exam and she has been counting the days. In her mind there is more to this than just trying to pass a test. I imagine she will be looking towards these results for affirmation that she has what it takes. I imagine after such intense studying her brain is mush coupled with a pressure "not to fail" While I certainly pray that she will do well, I am more interested in what all this has done for her growth. While she is looking for an A from her prof, I have already awarded her an A for her effort. While she is looking for these marks to help her move forward with a dream, I giver her an A for recognizing that she can dream. While she has set her sights high for achievement, I give her an A for vision. I dont want this to sound like a cop out or excuses if she doesnt do well. I just want her to know that I for one am so proud of all the hard work she has put into this.
After craming and studying, eating, sleeping and breathing this anticipation of the big test, I am certain that there are locomotives racing in her head. So I just want to take a moment to perhaps help her release those butterflies from her tummy and to stop the train from blowing that incesant whistle in her head. There comes a time when one has to simply take a deep breath and say "bring it on"
Father God, thank you for Your love and grace. Thank You that You care for each and every one of us. Thank You Lord that You are a friend and constant companion. Lord I just pray now that You would give my friend Hanni, an extra dose of Your peace and contentment. Lord as You know she has been working hard to achieve a goal. Lord along with that comes all the human desires to achieve well. Yet Lord what also comes with that is a fear of failure and the decievers ever loud voice saying "you cant do this, you are unworthy" Lord I ask that You drown out those voices and replace them with the peace that only You can provide. Lord God would You just take away all the things that would distract her from her worthiness. Lord please help her to go into this exam with peace and contentment. Help her to put all the stuff in the past far behind and sustain her with a fresh vision of Your love for her. I am reminded of Your magnificence Lord in Psalm 63
2Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
3Because Your loving-kindness is better than life,
My lips will praise You.
4So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
So Lord, I lift up my hands to you and cling to Your loving-kindness and I beg for You to be with Your daughter in the final hours of her preparation. I ask these things in and through the wonderful name of Christ Jesus. amen
After craming and studying, eating, sleeping and breathing this anticipation of the big test, I am certain that there are locomotives racing in her head. So I just want to take a moment to perhaps help her release those butterflies from her tummy and to stop the train from blowing that incesant whistle in her head. There comes a time when one has to simply take a deep breath and say "bring it on"
Father God, thank you for Your love and grace. Thank You that You care for each and every one of us. Thank You Lord that You are a friend and constant companion. Lord I just pray now that You would give my friend Hanni, an extra dose of Your peace and contentment. Lord as You know she has been working hard to achieve a goal. Lord along with that comes all the human desires to achieve well. Yet Lord what also comes with that is a fear of failure and the decievers ever loud voice saying "you cant do this, you are unworthy" Lord I ask that You drown out those voices and replace them with the peace that only You can provide. Lord God would You just take away all the things that would distract her from her worthiness. Lord please help her to go into this exam with peace and contentment. Help her to put all the stuff in the past far behind and sustain her with a fresh vision of Your love for her. I am reminded of Your magnificence Lord in Psalm 63
2Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
3Because Your loving-kindness is better than life,
My lips will praise You.
4So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
So Lord, I lift up my hands to you and cling to Your loving-kindness and I beg for You to be with Your daughter in the final hours of her preparation. I ask these things in and through the wonderful name of Christ Jesus. amen
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Spring Baptism and the Pizza Capers

Hey thanks for the pics M http://www.crazykawa.blogspot.com/
Well it was another great evening last night. WanderingWendyand Erica both got dunked. HaHaHa the water was like lava water last night. There will be a day when we have a church building when we can control some of this stuff. For now we just enjoy the moments as they are....good....bad...whatever..makes no difference because better is one day with God than a thousand elsewhere!
We had a funny thing happen at practice before the service. We were hungry so we ordered Pizzas. My daughter Deb ran acroos the road and picked them up for us. No sooner had we opened the pizza boxes when a pizza delivery guy showed up and said he was asked to deliver these to us. Cool! It was almost like some Pizza challenge thing. Personally I prefered the free delivered ones better. Is it that my Scottish background showing through? If you know anything about how we came to be the recipients of Pizza blessing....do tell! Any ways, instead of being somewhat secretive about our original pizza stash, in joy we yelled out PIZZA! That brought many willing blessing recipients to the Pizza table.
Praise and Worship was spirited and joyful. Well, I mean how could it not be joyful? These are my favourite services. We have been blessed with fairly regular baptisms.I said it before and I'll say it again. If you have never come out to a baptism service, then you should. Trust me. You will be glad you did. Even if you dont know the person, you can just smile and pretend you do, that would be cool. You wont need sunglasses or fake mustaches. Just a smile and a desire to fellowship with God.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
For Thou art Holy
Oh God, Thou art my God.
Thou art Holy and Thou art majestic.
Thine glory shineth upon me from above.
Thou causeth me great peace,
and in the inner place,
I celebrate Thy faithfulness.
Thou causeth the earth to move
and the birds to sing.
To Thine kingdom,
there is no end,
For Thou art forever holy
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Yahoo! 5 minutes to spare!
Well I finished my Biblical Interpretation papers and class...Yahoo! Here is what we had to do.
We had to read our text "An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation" and our Course CD "Reading in Three Dimensions". We had to analyze and report on three genres; narrative, didactic and poetic. We had to mark one of the papers from our peers. In addition, we had to take one of the genres and expand the research to include historical, cultural viewpoints, We then defined the theology and application of the passage. Despite despising grammar and stuff that makes language tick, I really enjoyed this class. It was difficult and demanding, but enjoyable and fulfilling.
Jake asked me to preach in July on a passage from Amos. I am excited now to begin work on that passage. I am going to treat it like another Biblical Interpretation assignment. I will follow all the rules and guidelines that I learned in this class. I am going to write this OT Prophetic Literature Analysis and I'm going to send it to my prof and to Jake prior to preaching it in July.
I am excited to apply what I have learned.
I cant beleive I finished my papers! I laughed because I pressed send at 11:55pm. I had a wopping 5 minutes to spare. Heck, I feel like I submitted early!
We had to read our text "An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation" and our Course CD "Reading in Three Dimensions". We had to analyze and report on three genres; narrative, didactic and poetic. We had to mark one of the papers from our peers. In addition, we had to take one of the genres and expand the research to include historical, cultural viewpoints, We then defined the theology and application of the passage. Despite despising grammar and stuff that makes language tick, I really enjoyed this class. It was difficult and demanding, but enjoyable and fulfilling.
Jake asked me to preach in July on a passage from Amos. I am excited now to begin work on that passage. I am going to treat it like another Biblical Interpretation assignment. I will follow all the rules and guidelines that I learned in this class. I am going to write this OT Prophetic Literature Analysis and I'm going to send it to my prof and to Jake prior to preaching it in July.
I am excited to apply what I have learned.
I cant beleive I finished my papers! I laughed because I pressed send at 11:55pm. I had a wopping 5 minutes to spare. Heck, I feel like I submitted early!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Two Down,One to Go
Two Down, ,
One To Go.
One to Go,
until I'm done!
Done, done,
till I'm done,
One to Go until I'm done!
One To Go.
One to Go,
until I'm done!
Done, done,
till I'm done,
One to Go until I'm done!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
High School Reunion
I finished one paper yesterday and got started on the next. It came time to go out to the High School Reunion, and my brides brother called looking for a ride. (and sensing the opportunity for a designated driver) So I got the great idea of skipping the party and Sue could go with her brother. I had it all cooked up. "Honey I will give you a $100.00 to spend...I'll drive you and your bro to and from the event...just let me stay and finish my paper" She looked at me and said " its not about the money or the rides. I wanted to go with you" Well doesnt that make a heart melt. I fealt like were still dating after all these years. Suddenly I became excited about a hot date. Yes...we would go and we would party!....and party we did!
It was so great catching up with some old friends. It was especially nice seeing my old and dear friend Debbie. We had so much fun! She and I went for a walk around the block. We hugged and held hands. STOP I know what you are thinking! NO! It felt so liberating to express the love we have AS FRIENDS and not be worried or caught up with appearances. It was funny, because there was this guy who obviously had too much to drink, and he was trying to aid me in how to advance with this very beautiful girl. He was frustrated because I was not picking up on the signs and neither was she. We just looked at each other thinking "if you only knew" Debbie was a sister to me. We played in a band together. We shared growing up in those golden years. She still has this fabulous joy for life. She has beautiful eyes and they are full of love, and peace and care.
Oh and then there was Theresa. She is a good friend of Debbie's, and my wife Sue considered her to be a sister. Sue went out with Teresas brother for many years. He was killed in a car accident. Teresa wins the prize for the most beautiful eyes. She is stunningly beautiful, but her eyes! Oh her eyes. I complimeneted her saying Oh Teresa. You still have the most beautiful eyes in the world. They are like great big calf's eyes. We laughed. Quite a compliment eh! Well we live in an agricultural community and calfs eyes are known to be very beautiful. We shared good times and confided in each other about life and other matters.
Oh Oh and then there was Angie. Angie was one of my first girl friends. Angie was in high spirits and we went for drinks more than once. The bar was closing down and Angie is related to half the town and had no problems securing us some more beer. Angie is still as beautiful as ever.
Man I felt like a king. Surrounded by 4 of the most beautiful girls in the world. Back in high school, there would have been jelousy games and posturing. But today there were people who truly yearned for the presence and companionship of old friends. We all hugged, drank and swapped stories.
Oh and Mr. designated driver realized at 1:00 that he had too much to drink. I guess the idea of a designated driver is that they are to NOT drink! Well that ruled all of us out. So we had to do creative calculations to determine the ratio of amount drank vs how much one could lose if caught. Well I got the nod. We had to hang out for an hour and a half so that I at least had a chance to pass a breathalizer. I was shooting to blow a warning......and I claim not to like gambling!
I know youre thinking...Donald! Well here it is. I miss getting pissed. I miss high gear revelry. I miss my friends and howling at the moon. YET, in retrospect, life is different for me now. I find joy with where I have been and I have a peaceful joy for where my life is taking me. So I try to strike a balance. Certainly as a future pastor, I will have certain responsibilities to be or maintain the appearance of being straight laced and 100% law abiding. Some would argue that I should be disqualified. Its just that deep down inside is this person who loves to party and live a little dangerous. I dont fit the mold. Do I give up, do I force change on myself that I dont want, do I just shut up and struggle with the two sides of Don? I am really afraid about "the lines in the sand". I am trying to figure out what side of the line I'm on, or, can I straddle the line. By the book, I sinned last night. Does my lack of remorse preclude me from forgiveness? or Is there a need for forgiveness? Is it a good enough response for me to say "shit happens" or do I need to seriously give my head a shake.
I know one thing, if I dont find some aspirin soon, my heads gonna explode!
It was so great catching up with some old friends. It was especially nice seeing my old and dear friend Debbie. We had so much fun! She and I went for a walk around the block. We hugged and held hands. STOP I know what you are thinking! NO! It felt so liberating to express the love we have AS FRIENDS and not be worried or caught up with appearances. It was funny, because there was this guy who obviously had too much to drink, and he was trying to aid me in how to advance with this very beautiful girl. He was frustrated because I was not picking up on the signs and neither was she. We just looked at each other thinking "if you only knew" Debbie was a sister to me. We played in a band together. We shared growing up in those golden years. She still has this fabulous joy for life. She has beautiful eyes and they are full of love, and peace and care.
Oh and then there was Theresa. She is a good friend of Debbie's, and my wife Sue considered her to be a sister. Sue went out with Teresas brother for many years. He was killed in a car accident. Teresa wins the prize for the most beautiful eyes. She is stunningly beautiful, but her eyes! Oh her eyes. I complimeneted her saying Oh Teresa. You still have the most beautiful eyes in the world. They are like great big calf's eyes. We laughed. Quite a compliment eh! Well we live in an agricultural community and calfs eyes are known to be very beautiful. We shared good times and confided in each other about life and other matters.
Oh Oh and then there was Angie. Angie was one of my first girl friends. Angie was in high spirits and we went for drinks more than once. The bar was closing down and Angie is related to half the town and had no problems securing us some more beer. Angie is still as beautiful as ever.
Man I felt like a king. Surrounded by 4 of the most beautiful girls in the world. Back in high school, there would have been jelousy games and posturing. But today there were people who truly yearned for the presence and companionship of old friends. We all hugged, drank and swapped stories.
Oh and Mr. designated driver realized at 1:00 that he had too much to drink. I guess the idea of a designated driver is that they are to NOT drink! Well that ruled all of us out. So we had to do creative calculations to determine the ratio of amount drank vs how much one could lose if caught. Well I got the nod. We had to hang out for an hour and a half so that I at least had a chance to pass a breathalizer. I was shooting to blow a warning......and I claim not to like gambling!
I know youre thinking...Donald! Well here it is. I miss getting pissed. I miss high gear revelry. I miss my friends and howling at the moon. YET, in retrospect, life is different for me now. I find joy with where I have been and I have a peaceful joy for where my life is taking me. So I try to strike a balance. Certainly as a future pastor, I will have certain responsibilities to be or maintain the appearance of being straight laced and 100% law abiding. Some would argue that I should be disqualified. Its just that deep down inside is this person who loves to party and live a little dangerous. I dont fit the mold. Do I give up, do I force change on myself that I dont want, do I just shut up and struggle with the two sides of Don? I am really afraid about "the lines in the sand". I am trying to figure out what side of the line I'm on, or, can I straddle the line. By the book, I sinned last night. Does my lack of remorse preclude me from forgiveness? or Is there a need for forgiveness? Is it a good enough response for me to say "shit happens" or do I need to seriously give my head a shake.
I know one thing, if I dont find some aspirin soon, my heads gonna explode!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
One Down, Two to Go
One Down,
Two To Go.
Two to Go,
until I'm done!
Done, done,
till I'm done,
Two to Go until I'm done!
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Yikes! I'm almost out of track!
I have 2 expositions and 1 major essay to finish up my Biblical Interpretation class. I seem to remember the due date was May 28. I just finished all my reading. I went and bought an NASB bible, as that is one of the recommended versions for these papers. I sat down on May 10 and said "There now, I have 18 days, so I shall begin now". I opened my notes and read the course outline. Much to my surprise the due date is actually May 18! Yikes! Captain....I'm almost out of track! I cant beleive my overwhelming stupidity. Quick, hide all sharp objects....I am such a duffus!
OK, So I have cancelled my band practice tonight, I took tommorrow off work and I will spend it at Emmanuel Bible College. One of my papers requires significant research at a theological library. Having attended Emmanuel, I am allowed to use the library. I will bust my butt this weekend and cancell everything on my evening calandar until I press send on my PC. I suspect that will be 11:59pm on the 18th.......cause thats just the kinda guy I am....despite best efforts to change!
oh oh High School reunion Sat night...uh Church Sunday doh mothers day dinner in Kitchener Sunday afternoon....yikes captain...I'm running out of track!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
SonTreasure Island Vacation Bible School 2006

Music planning for this years Erin Vacation Bible School Program is well under way. Its going to be a great year! I know I said it twice before, but this is really going to be my last year.....for now..hahaha.
I have selected a team of fine young musicians. I am really proud of these kids. I've watched them grow now for a few years, both musically and spiritually. I feel like the time is ripe for these young boys to take on a worship/music leadership role. The Vacation Bible School program is just the place!They will blossom!
There is nothing like the energy of 130 kids singing praise with all their might. The kids really respond to the music and class after class tries to out do the other with enthusiasm.
It has been such a blessing to watch these kids grow. I remember many of the kids in the grade five class from when they were junior kindergartens. Its cool walking about town months after the VBS and having kids wave to you and point at you in the grocery store.
Well any way...heres to another great VBS! May God be Glorified!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Acton Variety Night
Last night was the "Canada eh" variety night and we held it at the place we've been doing Alpha at. There were quite a few people, including a visit from our Bishop. The proprietor of Leathertown Tavern was thrilled with the turn out and he "wrote off" the invoices for our last two evenings, including the celebration dinner. That was a blessing. That means that we managed to put the course on well under budget.
We had many compliments with the music. I screwed up the words to American Woman but kept singing anayway. The bass players were laughing at my creativity. I was laughing inside too! I hate it when that happens...hahahaha
Jake and I did a "smokin" job of Soul Man. Jake bought the perfect hat for the part. People were howling with Jakes "Soul Man" antics. It was so much fun!
If you caught the show, what was your favourite tune? This time "Constant Craving" by KD Lang was my fav. I closed my eyes and I thought KD was with us. A friend of mine was saying the same thing. Oh and "Takin Care of Business" by Charles BTO Neal. It was so cool. Charles stepped down from the stage and wandered through the aisle while playing a "smokin" riff.
We had a great soundman last night. Glenn and Heather were their usual stellar selves. I could see Glenn cringe a bit here and there as there were some, shall we say, creative interpretations of the music.
My brother in law was there with a cousin from Germany and my friend Ron was there with a cousin of his form Germany(well France now). Klause met Alexander and both received a fine sampling of Canadian music. Klause couldnt stop ranting and raving about how great it was.
Any way, I gotta go back to reading my "Biblical Interpretation" text book. I am beginning to panic.
We had many compliments with the music. I screwed up the words to American Woman but kept singing anayway. The bass players were laughing at my creativity. I was laughing inside too! I hate it when that happens...hahahaha
Jake and I did a "smokin" job of Soul Man. Jake bought the perfect hat for the part. People were howling with Jakes "Soul Man" antics. It was so much fun!
If you caught the show, what was your favourite tune? This time "Constant Craving" by KD Lang was my fav. I closed my eyes and I thought KD was with us. A friend of mine was saying the same thing. Oh and "Takin Care of Business" by Charles BTO Neal. It was so cool. Charles stepped down from the stage and wandered through the aisle while playing a "smokin" riff.
We had a great soundman last night. Glenn and Heather were their usual stellar selves. I could see Glenn cringe a bit here and there as there were some, shall we say, creative interpretations of the music.
My brother in law was there with a cousin from Germany and my friend Ron was there with a cousin of his form Germany(well France now). Klause met Alexander and both received a fine sampling of Canadian music. Klause couldnt stop ranting and raving about how great it was.
Any way, I gotta go back to reading my "Biblical Interpretation" text book. I am beginning to panic.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Bad News...Good News
Two jokes come to mind.
Guy visits doc. Doc says "do you want the good news or bad news". Guy says "I'll take the bad news first". Ok Doc says "you have terminal cancer and have only 3 months to live". Guy says" Oh Uh so whats the good news?" Doc says "I'm sending you to Winnepeg for treatment and It will seem like a year"
Guy goes to doc. Doc says I've got some bad news. Guy says go ahead. Doc says you have a very rare incurable disease. Guy says "OK so whats the good news?" Doc says "who said anything about good news?"
I got good news bad news yesterday from the school I have applied to. After reviewing my portfolio, they find it lacking. So I guess thats the bad news. The good news is that there were many good things in my portfolio. They have asked me to meet with the Dean at campus and get some assistance in re-submitting my portfolio with greater attention to how my experiences can translate into credits. They were pleased that there was enough substance to work with, just not thrilled how I presented it. So its back to the drawing board. At least its not flat out rejection. I dont think they would bother having me resubmit if they didnt think I had the qualifications.
You'll have to excuse me as I have to go squash a bumble bee that the cat brought in. Its angry and its buzzing in circles on the ground........haha squashing it will be a little therapeutic too!!!!!!!
ooops too late. Big Red got to him first!
Guy visits doc. Doc says "do you want the good news or bad news". Guy says "I'll take the bad news first". Ok Doc says "you have terminal cancer and have only 3 months to live". Guy says" Oh Uh so whats the good news?" Doc says "I'm sending you to Winnepeg for treatment and It will seem like a year"
Guy goes to doc. Doc says I've got some bad news. Guy says go ahead. Doc says you have a very rare incurable disease. Guy says "OK so whats the good news?" Doc says "who said anything about good news?"
I got good news bad news yesterday from the school I have applied to. After reviewing my portfolio, they find it lacking. So I guess thats the bad news. The good news is that there were many good things in my portfolio. They have asked me to meet with the Dean at campus and get some assistance in re-submitting my portfolio with greater attention to how my experiences can translate into credits. They were pleased that there was enough substance to work with, just not thrilled how I presented it. So its back to the drawing board. At least its not flat out rejection. I dont think they would bother having me resubmit if they didnt think I had the qualifications.
You'll have to excuse me as I have to go squash a bumble bee that the cat brought in. Its angry and its buzzing in circles on the ground........haha squashing it will be a little therapeutic too!!!!!!!
ooops too late. Big Red got to him first!
Wheels Turn
Wheels turn as the white lines pass you by,
Wheels turn as the day turns in to night
Wheels turn and it makes you want to cry
When you think about the love you left behind
I wrote this song for two friends who were going through nasty divorces.......and yes real men do cry. You can download a copy by selecting "Wheels Turn" on the right sidebar.
Wheels turn as the day turns in to night
Wheels turn and it makes you want to cry
When you think about the love you left behind
I wrote this song for two friends who were going through nasty divorces.......and yes real men do cry. You can download a copy by selecting "Wheels Turn" on the right sidebar.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
21 Century Wisdom Sent to Me by a Friend
I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody.
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
One seventh of your life is spent on Monday.
By the time you make ends meet, they move the ends.
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
Indecision is the key to flexibility.
You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the track.
There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of preparation.
Happiness is merely the remission of pain.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
Sometimes too much to drink is not enough.
The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant.
The careful application of terror is also a form of communication.
Someone who thinks logically is a nice contrast to the real world.
Things are more like they are today than they ever were before.
Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
This is as bad as it can get, but don't count on it.
Never wrestle a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
The trouble with life is, you're halfway through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
Youth and skill are no match for experience and treachery.
If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody.
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
One seventh of your life is spent on Monday.
By the time you make ends meet, they move the ends.
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
Indecision is the key to flexibility.
You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the track.
There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of preparation.
Happiness is merely the remission of pain.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
Sometimes too much to drink is not enough.
The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant.
The careful application of terror is also a form of communication.
Someone who thinks logically is a nice contrast to the real world.
Things are more like they are today than they ever were before.
Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
This is as bad as it can get, but don't count on it.
Never wrestle a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
The trouble with life is, you're halfway through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
Youth and skill are no match for experience and treachery.
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