I dreamed my whole life about getting a Martin guitar. Finally I had my opportunity and went to my favourite town music store. Village Music carries a good line of Martin guitars. I spent around 6 months playing and visiting my choices until I finally decided on the studio model. I chose that model because it had a great pickup system and the instrument felt great. While trying these instruments, I picked up a DX1 and I fell in love with it too. My problem was I couldnt bring myself to buy a plastic guitar when I had been waiting my whole life for a Martin. Even so, in the back of my mind, I still loved that guitar. Now fast forward a few years and I went to the Village Music store to get a guitar that I could play around a camp fire, in the dew, outside in the hot, cold,....whatever. I needed an instrument that I hadnt so much money invested in. This instrument would probably take a beating. I noticed the plastic guitar and remarked how he still had it. He said he had sold it and the person traded it in a couple years later. I picked it up and it was like renewing an old friendship. She was exactly as I remembered her. The price was considerably lower so I bought her. When I say plastic, I dont really mean plastic. Its come sort of arborite or poly something. Its clearly not wood. They were marketing it as ECO friendly. She will do well at the camp. Once again.....I am blessed. How could life be any better?
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