Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Monday, December 29, 2008


December 25, 2008

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Wright,

Thank you for your life-changing gifts of 2 Hens and a Rooster, 2 Rabbits, and Protein Fortified Foods from World Vision's Gift Catalogue! Your gifts will be a blessing to children and families in need, and a truly meaningful way to celebrate the promise of hope and new life.

I have posted this, not for recognition but as an idea and a challenge to you. I need to tell you the joy we had in giving these gifts and the blessing we felt for having given to someone in need. We were sitting around and trying to remember some of the great things that we had received under the Christmas tree over the years. We came to the realization that we didnt really remember "things". Rather, we remember "times". We didnt really remember the "toy" but remembered the "person". We debated Santa and Christmas and came to the conclusion that the only thing of lasting value was the fellowship, joy and love felt and expressed amongst ourselves and to others.

My challenge is not that you run out and match my gift. Trust me, I gave much less than I should have. My challenge is that you stop and consider your reason or purpose at Christmas time. Is it about Santa? Christmas Trees? Tinsel? Presents? Food? or is Christmas kinda like the World Vision thankyou card when it says "a way to celebrate the promise of hope and new life."

I see signs all around the place saying "Put Christ Back In Christmas" and "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" and it makes me wonder. I wonder why once a year, suddenly we care. I think we should change the signs a bit."Save Christ from Christmas" and "Jesus is the Reason for the Seasons".

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