Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, April 03, 2009

The Mystery and the Sign

"friendship turtles" © copyright 2009 Patti Rainbow
I think I have solved the mystery. Let this be a sign. If I am correct, you will know. If I am not, then someone I know will be quite puzzled.

Also....Brenda...I want to send you one of these turtles. I have been trying to figure out how I can send you something while still protecting your right to privacy and safety. I am trying to remember the name of the place where you sent your freind to pickup the gift bible. I am pretty sure it is in the town you were in when we first met. When I remember, I am going to send it there. I will let you know.

Oh ya and Patti..........

I need more turtles!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. that turtle looks like it has a smile on his face!


Go ahead....Make my day!