Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation

Exploring the Arts and My place in Creation - - - - - - - - Please visit my art blog at www.digidoodle.me

Friday, September 30, 2005

My Hero

Do you have a hero? Is he/she a famous figure? Is he/she a rock star/athlete/politician/famous figure/brother/sister or perhaps the person next door. I'm not talking about the greatest person who ever lived...Jesus Christ. I'm talking about a human that has or is somehow making you think that.....He/She is a hero. Does this person influence how you behave, what you say or how you view yourself in this world? Of course God does not want us to worship anyone but Himself, yet there are people who we come in contact with that have or do make a difference in how we see life.


It brings tears to my eyes when I think about how much I love my mother. I'm not just saying that because she's my mom. I'm not just saying this because she brought me into this world. I am not saying this because I want to call her and ask her for something. No I'm saying this because she is truly my hero.

Through my mother I came to know Christ. I came to know Christ, not only because she told me, but in her very daily actions. While I am quick to judgement, she is quick to forgive. While I am quick to make assumptions about my faith, she "ponders everything in her heart". When I have a spiritual/theological or biblical question, I can always count on my mom to lead me to truth. She is more than my hero. She is my mentor. I have never seen or heard anyone, including pastors, that have been able to articulate Gods truth to me the way she can. Quiet, unassuming and powerful.

My mother has such a deep love for the lost or hurting. She has this supernatural power to see through the gloss and the deception, and drive straight to the heart.

I know she would feel embarrassed by reading this as she is also a very humble person. Since my fathers death, she has been "married to the Lord" and I see in her the results of a deep love for our Saviour. This deep love translates itself through her actions. I can even see it when I look into her eyes. She is a prophet when she is angry, She is a wise judge in conflict, She is tender to the hurting, yet she is strong to the misguided. She stands as a bright light in a dark world. She derives her strength from the Lord. She is my hero.

Her list of Godly deeds are unending. My respect for her humility wont allow me to list these things. My respect for her driving force is greater than how that force manifests itself.

My mom is not just a mom to me and my brother and sister. She is a mom to 100's of lost and hurting people. The impact she has had with a simple hug and wise word of advice is not measurable. While she would blush or down play this, I dont. She is my hero and she is the closest human person I know to the likeness of Christ. I am so blessed.

Dear God. Thank You for my mother. Thank You for indwelling her. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me, through her. Thank You for using her to make a difference in this world. Lord You are so much greater than I can ever understand. Thank You that You use people like my mom, to help us make sense of Your power, goodness and grace. Lord would You continue to be her strength. Would You guide her and protect her. Would You hold her in Your mighty hand and keep her. Would You be her strength in weekness. Would You be her light in darkness. Would You continue to be these things and more. Lord I pray specifically now for her prison ministry. You know the impact that this ministry has. Lord I pray that You would make Yourself known to these men and continue to bless my mom as she works tirelessly for Your glory. In Jesus name I pray.

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